Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Certified Jesus Freak

Hey, I want to go a bit off topic today. Most of you that know me, know I claim the title of "Jesus Freak", even so far that I have it tattooed on my wrists. So a good question would be, "OK, mike whats a Jesus Freak?". or better yet, why are you so obsessed with the term.
Well, lately as usually through study and prayer, I have done alot of self observation into my passions. What makes me, me! And I have realized my ultimate passion, overall is to create "Jesus Freaks".
Yesterday, while in prayer I came up with the perfect definition to what a "Jesus Freak" is to me. A Jesus Freak is someone who is set apart for Christ ( Greek term - Hagios which means saint and set apart). "Different" (remember we are called to be peculiar people). Basically a man or woman who knows who they are as a person (standing naked), values who God created them to be, and knows Christ Jesus, and knows who they are in Christ. We are created in Gods' image, which means God had an idea and concept when he made us, and we are all unique and so different.
Analyze yourself...What goals, desires, visions, fulfillments, gifts, talents, overall personality did God make you with? Put all that together and show it to the world, influence the world by being you = Jesus Freak!
My favorite analogy to a "Jesus Freak" is David. David was a youngest sibling, a nobody in the family, ignored and tending the sheep, This was the man God wanted to make king and a man after Gods' own heart. When David went to fight Goliath, he didnt use what seemed normal armor that Saul gave him, he used his own experience an talent to defeat Goliath. So is the Christian battle today. We are at war against Satan, and as Christs' body we must use our experiences defeat Satan.
I personally feel the way to live the abundant life that Christ promised is to find Christ Jesus in your heart, then through prayer and study application apply who you are in Christ, and then express it. Through this you will find such fulfillment.
That is my passion, to help people live as Jesus Freaks. If you want more information, email me
God bless, in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Michael Miano

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