Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Certified Jesus Freak

Hey, I want to go a bit off topic today. Most of you that know me, know I claim the title of "Jesus Freak", even so far that I have it tattooed on my wrists. So a good question would be, "OK, mike whats a Jesus Freak?". or better yet, why are you so obsessed with the term.
Well, lately as usually through study and prayer, I have done alot of self observation into my passions. What makes me, me! And I have realized my ultimate passion, overall is to create "Jesus Freaks".
Yesterday, while in prayer I came up with the perfect definition to what a "Jesus Freak" is to me. A Jesus Freak is someone who is set apart for Christ ( Greek term - Hagios which means saint and set apart). "Different" (remember we are called to be peculiar people). Basically a man or woman who knows who they are as a person (standing naked), values who God created them to be, and knows Christ Jesus, and knows who they are in Christ. We are created in Gods' image, which means God had an idea and concept when he made us, and we are all unique and so different.
Analyze yourself...What goals, desires, visions, fulfillments, gifts, talents, overall personality did God make you with? Put all that together and show it to the world, influence the world by being you = Jesus Freak!
My favorite analogy to a "Jesus Freak" is David. David was a youngest sibling, a nobody in the family, ignored and tending the sheep, This was the man God wanted to make king and a man after Gods' own heart. When David went to fight Goliath, he didnt use what seemed normal armor that Saul gave him, he used his own experience an talent to defeat Goliath. So is the Christian battle today. We are at war against Satan, and as Christs' body we must use our experiences defeat Satan.
I personally feel the way to live the abundant life that Christ promised is to find Christ Jesus in your heart, then through prayer and study application apply who you are in Christ, and then express it. Through this you will find such fulfillment.
That is my passion, to help people live as Jesus Freaks. If you want more information, email me
God bless, in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Michael Miano

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Denomination Discernment

Greetings in Christ, to the entire body of Christ.
Let us pray that we might be humble enough to recognize that we don't have all the answers and that there are many things when we get to the day of judgment, we will have many questions and many corrections as well. ( I know I sure do)!
Well this blog comes as a result of prayer, discussions, and study. Many a times, people bash other churches, denominations, etc.I myself have been very guilty of this as well. We all may have certain things we disagree on and yes, some are very important aspects, but must we bash? Remember we are the body of Christ, which means arms, legs, nose, eye, all different parts.
Recently I finished reading a book called "Up the Middle Church" written by Pastor Matt Keller of the Next Level Church (I personally attend here in Fort Myers, FL.). Teh book was great, thats a shout out! Anyways, he had spoken on how churches and pastors should relate to each other, is the body of Christ a business that we should only promote our church with the product, Is Jesus Christ on sale at your church?
No, we are all the body of Christ just different aspects. As the Word says, and I have spoken on many times, "Be all things to all men". I personally believe that the Lord wants to reach into every aspect of life, may it be businesses, gangs, protests, hang outs, etc. and have His way! Thats why the 12 apostles turned the world upside down!
I re-read the Final Quest series by Rick Joyner (Great Series!!) and Rick Joyner speaks about how these other denominations and churches who we may consider back slidden, out of touch, specific topic (i.e. Baptist, Pentecostal, etc). The Lord is using this for His glory, because as I may not understand the whole baptism thing, I may drive more toward the Pentecostal, and the other way around. Certain truths hold certain people, so don't bash because in sense you may b putting a stumbling block in your brothers way (Woe to those!).
To finalize this, I heard a sermon delivered by Tim Conway the other day and he made a really excellent point;
The day will come when, you will stand hand in hand, persecuted, defending, brothers in Christ, who disagree with you 90% theologically and doctrinally, but what ties you both together as brothers and sisters in the Lord is:
The Risen Christ, Jesus our Lord and Savior.
May we honor this truth.
-Pastor Mike Miano

Monday, February 9, 2009

Kingdom Finances

Greetings in Christ.
Ok, well I know I have touched on this topic before either in teaching or in this blog, but I felt it deserved a blog of its own.
Time and time again, I attend church services where they discuss finances,tithes, etc..especially lately since its the end of the economy as we know it (yes, I said it). Anyways, I get very irritated at times, because the solution is just so simply. I feel I say that alot, I guess when you have a written Word of God which contains the solutions, if you just obey, YEAH ITS THAT SIMPLE.
Ok, so what are the aspects of kingdom finances. Are you suprised that is related to the kingdom of God?
This week, I attended Next Level Church once again (Yes, Gabriella and I have decided to make that our "home church"). They topic is now Piggy Bank, the topic statement says it all though, "Putting our finances BACK TOGETHER".
Did you catch that? Back Together. A very simple solution to all the economic problems lies in the 1st Century Church.
In Acts chapter two, the beginning of the Church, its says this.."An all that believed were TOGETHER, AND HAD ALL THINGS IN COMMON. And sold their possessions and goods, and distributed them to all men, as every man had need (Acts 2:44-45)". Also consider refer to Acts 4:31-37.
Yes, the solution lies is what many have termed "Christian Communism". Communism falls and fails because of pressure, selfishness, and laziness. This is why the Christians can accomplish a form of communism that lacks those attributes.
I firmly believe in this aspect so much, I have considered joining communes, monasteries, etc..We are taught by the Lord to love not the material things of this world.
When we learn to work together and bring all things together (yes, tithing with the local church is great, but I am talking ALL THINGS.) we will experience the best blessings ever.
If this has touched you, contact me and we can work out ways to bring all things together to benefit all. God bless.
pastor Michael Miano

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Judgment Reality Vision

Most of you who know me, know of my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. You may have heard me speak about the Lord speaking to me through a vision or dream, maybe just prayer, or the Lord blessings me with vision or insight.
Well last night, I was blessed with a quick vision to edify myself and others. As I was driving and praying concerning my latest works and such, I felt that inner voice. Now, truthfully, I tried to quite it because I was driving and didn't want to cause an accident, so I just listened in a sense. I will share what it consisted of, and then clarify how it edified me.
" I was standing at the judgment throne, looking around I saw many people I knew, I saw friends, family, mere acquaintances, etc. I saw faces with joy and anticipation, other faces looking scared and nervous, and some looked shocked. I was standing in front of the judgment throne and everyone was surrounding me."
Now many of you may recall, I had a vision very similar to this recently.That one was more aimed toward others, as what would you say to me at judgment, would you be glad that I told you about Jesus Christ and my relationship with Him, or would you be ashamed that you never chose to listen and would be eternally cursed, remember that one?
OK, well this one was more aimed internally to me. I began to think, am I doing all that I can in all relationships with family, friends, acquaintances, etc, to show how serious this matter is. Christians are commanded to be all things to all men, so am I doing that. Am I making mention of Christ when I should be? Am I getting personal and learning about the right people (i.e.- standing naked mentally, emotionally,and spiritually)? Am I sharing my testimony? Am I joking around and relating to the right people?
This was really convicting to me, so I hope maybe it will bless you as well. Sit and think, how will those you know as family, friends, acquaintances, etc..look at you at judgment? Will you be ashamed and sorry, or will you be able to have firm resolve knowing you did all that you can to affect those the Lord brought into your life?
Judgment is a reality! The Word of God tells us that we will all stand before the judgment throne of God, and He will open the Lambs Book of Life, and judge our deeds. We all do evil, that is why we know we need an intercessor on that day, the Lord Jesus Christ, has already paid the debt we have, all it takes now is for us to accept it.
I hope all those who know me, and I see at judgment will be able to smile and think, "Thanks Mike, for explaining God's plan, and making it a reality for me to see".
If I can help anyone in this capacity or any other, please let me know
my email is
God bless, in Christ name,
Pastor Mike Miano

For a listing of scriptures concerning judgment:

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lessons for the Tribe concerning Church

Well, I had a different message for today but since its Sunday, I went to Next Level Church and listened to the last segment of the Act Now series. I have to say it was a blessing and the words spoken by pastor Mike Ash, hit home.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday, so we talked a little bit about football. The teams that make it to the Superbowl arent necessarily the best teams record wise, but yet they made it. How? Why? Now what? When I heard that, I thought about the Church. We arent the coolest thing to the world, nor do we have excellent celebrity speakers and such. But we are in the "game" to win, we might not have the best track record, so how do we do this?
Well first of all, we must learn to "play" together effectively. Understand your team members, know their strengths and weakness. They strategize a bit...How can we work to downsize the weaknesses and utilize everyones strengths?
Also another great point to ponder is...What body part are you willing to lose? Most of us would either say none or name a body part we view as trivial. Let's say a toe..Now a toe seems insignificant, but yet it is not. Toes help keep balance, etc...I actually researched a they have a site for Toe-Amputees (I apologize, I in no way want to make a joke of this, just using it as a allegorical example). So point is, every body part, no matter how seemingly insignificant is needed and important.
The Word of God tells us that we are all members of the body of Christ. Each and everyone of us is important to the function of the body.
Last but not least- A great point was made concerning how all these body parts should look together (just in case you are clumsy and uncoordinated, then we cant use the body as a good example lol). The double sided disco ball looks cool and functions awesome. All the lights (Remember the Word calls us lights, and yes we are all soo different) and the motion makes it look so cool. Thats how we the Church are suppose to be working and look. Thats a truly Spirit led Church!
Do we look like this.....
Are we manifesting His glory as we should?
Let's be the Church!
Pastor Mike Miano