Monday, July 20, 2009

"Some Pretty Bad Things..."

A message to try and sum up the radical, obsessive, crazy mind of Mr. Michael Miano. (Yes, its just an attempt! lol)
OK, so let me give a little backround, last month is the matter of a week, two people made this comment about me, "must have done something really bad in the past to be that crazy about God". I could go on for days about that comment, so the best place- MY BLOG!
Well, for the curious mind...Yes I have. I was a gang member and a leader, so use your imagination of the things I took part in, seen, and did. BUT, let me say this, the worst thing I have ever done, is something I still do in part, and you do as well. That is...Shun God and not live completely devoted, dedicated to living for Him. I mean every second.
Let me introduce you to the Jesus Christ, the Messiah, that I know.
The biggest problem today is that everyone "believes in God" or "believes Jesus died for them". The word believe almost provokes the thought that it might or might not be true. Not the case here, Jesus Christ living, dying and raising from the dead is a reality in my world. (Yeah, ask me for some evidence!!).
So, live with this reality. God creates man and woman. We decide to live for ourselves and it leads us to self destruction etc...FACE IT, we suck at life, we cant do it ourselves. So God, being as awesome and creative, and loving, as He is decides to come to Earth as man and live among us, to show us an example, and then die to make eternal life a reality! Truly follow Him, and His example and we will live forever.
Ok, so let me give some study information for those of you who might find the excuse, "ahh he just went off the deep end". 1st, I would reccomend the lastest trend- Crazy Love by Francis Chan (Confession- I have yet to read it, but study notes from others are enough to convince me).
Ok, first all sin is equal (JAMES 2:10-11), so its not that I have commited some crazy sin and am trying to make up for it. Plus, scripture tells us that we cannot earn salvation by good works, so regardless that wouldnt work(Ephesians 2:8,9).
You want to know why I am so devoted? Because the reality of Gods love for me, makes Him so worthy for me to live like that and also GOD COMMANDS IT!

I know ALL the things you DO, that you are neither HOT nor COLD. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like LUKEWARM WATER (BAD WATER), neither Hot nor Cold (GOOD WATER), I WILL SPIT YOU OUT OF MY MOUTH!
Revelations 3:14-22

Well hope that explained some...Always open to explain more.
with Love and Truth,
Michael Miano
A Freaked- Out Follower of Jesus Christ

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yesterdays Devotional Reading

Well, it has been a while. Most of you loyal blog readers already know that I have some issues with consistency. These past couple weeks have had their ups and downs, physically, mentally, and of course Spiritually!
Yesterdays devotional reading came as an expressing of the “Living Water” for my thirsty soul. So much so that I wanted to share it.

Well, let’s turn to 2 Corinthians chapter 5. I want to speak about reconciliation, as our position and responsibility. Looking to the text we realize that the Apostle Paul is admonishing the Corinthian Church. Judgment is upon us and we know we will face judgment on what we did with this life the Lord gave us (verse 10). SINCE, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we know the TRUTH, our job is to tell others, actually better put -PERSUADE! (verse 11).
To me this thought alone, judgment, is enough to make us out of our minds (verse 13), as many of you have heard my expression of visions and dreams concerning the Day of Reckoning. This “out of our minds” is what should give us the passion we need to express the seriousness of this message.
Verses 14-15, express that by Christ’s love and death, we are compelled to spread the message that all should turn to Him as Lord and Savior, “Since He died for us we should live for Him”!

We are ambassadors of Christ imploring (which means to express with earnest supplication) that all should be reconciled to Christ! Are you on the job?
Not hired? Yes you have. That brings us to the next part of my devotional. Now, let’s turn to Jeremiah chapter 1. Believe it or not the person you are today, was created and foreseen before the foundations of the world, and you were hired before birth. Verse 5 says it all- “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”.

Let us all realize this truth. Let us listen and understand to the command of the Lord which enables us to be Ambassadors of reconciliation.
“You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord” (Jeremiah 1:7-8).