Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Re-Jesus: The Missional Church PART 2

Ok, so we ended yesterday’s post on ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church rather abruptly and I had a lot more to say.

Entering into the last couple chapters which focused on ReJesusing the organization we have come to call church, and we must ask ourselves, “Is this really what Jesus intended for His movement”?

A good equation for us to consider is
Christianity- Christ= Religion.

A great sociological explanation into what we are experiencing in the Church is a problem with routinization of charisma. This means that it is hard to channel the Charisma that Jesus Christ ushered into the movement we call- Christianity. Do I hear someone saying, “Lack of Spirit”? This is more the reason we must ReJesus, and re-encounter Christ daily. The comparison of Christ to the manna of the Israelites was a “fresh one”. It must be renewed daily.

It’s interesting to note, that I have had these conversations with many people, basically, what was Jesus Christ trying to do? It also implies who He was. I see the Jesus Christ in the gospels, gathering a group of men around this hope that once the Old Covenant was fulfilled, and the Messiah ushers in the New Covenant, it will be an end of the world as they knew it. This good news produced such an excitement and controversy, which “turned the world upside-down. Many people seem to differ on what Jesus Christ was doing, which affects what we believe He is doing today. Way of life (life in New Covenant)- Religion (Old Covenant).

Christianity = the anti-religion!!!! But rather, “a radically alternative vision of the world and thus initiates an ensuing mission to change the world in order to fulfill that vision”.

A great quote, which is pretty much my testimony, was said in the book and I will hold on it forever!!! “…the strange and wonderful God-man has invaded our life with purpose and freshness”. Is that the Messiah you follow?

Now, the term RADICAL TRADITIONALISM, struck a strong chord in my mind, pretty much to the point of me trying to incorporate that term into the mission statement of Freaked-Out Fellowship. Radical Traditionalism is exactly where I am at in my walk with Christ, which is to return to the original way of Christ, but express it in our day. Terms like 21st Century Apostles, or even New Monasticism, are examples of radical traditionalism.

A big issue I see in most traditional churches today is the lack of mission. The lack of a common cause will mobilize no one. We must unite under a common cause, and be mobilized by it. That is what we see Jesus Christ doing with the apostles in the Word of God. I have spoken about this time and time again; my favorite passage in Matthew is Matthew chapter10, where we see Jesus sending out the apostles. How much better is our worship, services, fellowship, and reason for being when we are on mission??? My concern is how can we say that we have experienced the truth of the gospel or understand it, because mission is simply the outward impulse of the effects the gospel has on us as God’s people. Judge the tree by the fruit it bears??

So, with all of that said, let me conclude with the invite, are you ready to be involved in a radical movement, “the conspiracy of little Jesus’, why don’t you be the one to ignite a fire (figuratively) in your area, let’s go!!!

“If passion is eliminated, faith no longer exists”.

Love you all more and more, by the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ,

Michael Miano

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