Press Release April 2, 2012
Fort Myers Pastor Discriminated Against at Public Event
On Sunday, April 1, 2012, there was a public event advertised throughout Fort Myers concerning the album release of KJ-52. Clearly on the invite it says everyone. Correct?
Here is the link:
Well apparently not so.
Pastor Michael Miano of The Fellowship C.H.U.R.C.H. was pulled aside by the event host and asked “Why are you here?” to which Miano replied “It’s a public event and I was invited”. After which Michael Miano decided to leave with friends feeling intimidated and humiliated.
Why has this happened?
According to Pastor Miano this is not the first time this has happened. As there are many different views within Christianity that are spreading the globe, Michael Miano is involved with a “back to the Bible” movement that has been labeled “heresy”.
Recently, Michael Miano was escorted off of First Assembly of God in Fort Myers property by Church elder and the Sheriff for talking with congregants about “Asking Your Pastor”, which is a campaign that seeks to strengthen and restore Christian understanding of Biblical doctrine by urging people to “search the Scriptures”.
Speaking about Sunday’s event, “This was a public event, a concert of sorts, drew people from all sorts of views of Christianity”, says Michael Miano. Yet, clearly he and his views are not welcome. You can learn more about Pastor Michael Miano by visiting
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pereisWas it your intention to disrupt this event? Did you go to enjoy the event as other attendees or to ruin their enjoyment? Seems to me you went to confront and when you were successful you left. The marketplace of ideas is intensely competitive , if you would receive a hearing you must first be found worthy of that hearing and also understand that if your ideas don't sell either you're a bad salesman or the product your selling is not wanted. Just some thoughts Pastor.
Well said my friend. Actually earlier in the day, my fiancee and I recieved invite to the event with music and free food. Sounded great to me! It was a concert so it wouldn't exactly resonate within my mind to disrupt that. I left after feeling humiliated by the event host coming up to me with another man who instead of smiling friendly at a Christian event had a disgrunted appearence and "stared down" others that were with me.
As far as being found worhty of a hearing, amen, I totally agree. Considering I am an avid student of the Word of God, a seminary worker, and a pastor of a local Church. Also, soon to be author, might I add :). The product is "selling" and has been for centuries, it is only recently that we have seen such a decline in Christianity, and many speak of "reform", "revival", etc...
Thanks for your comment though my friend. Blessings in Christ.
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