Here we are 2012! So...what do you believe? Literal end of the world? False prophecy? Maybe, a sort of end?
One thing is for sure, it is an end to 2011, and I want to share my last year with you. It has been quite a year, encouraging as I sit here and read through my notes.
Quick recap. If you read the notes from last years recap, I went through major transitions in my life, pretty much my trip to Israel did alot in my life and changed everything. I will forever be in awe of God's providential ways. So, truthfully, as I got into 2011 I was still coming to terms with alot of the change in my life and working through things. Everything from lifestyle, relationships, theology, focus, was "under construction".
Getting right into the year I committed myself to God, looked to Matthew 6:33 as the focus of my life, and felt God was encouraging me, leading me, and gifting me as I committed to Him. As many know, ushering in the new year also led to growth in a friendship with Quanti which led to what I call "the ADD factor". I truly believe that as I sought God who knows my heart, he brought the blessing of Quanti into my life. More on that later...
So the beginning of the year was filled with self-examination, a true dying to self, and allow God to break me down in order to build me back up (now that requires faith, but man let me tell you!!). Fact of the matter is that just as the Word says, God finds His glory in our weaknesses (2 Corinthians 12:9). I continually prayed for God to give me the zeal I had previously had and even re-read the book Primal by Mark Batterson to get my mind right. Yet the time was not yet.
"But what you need is a vision from God that captures your imagination and consumes your energy" -Mark Batterson
The above statement became my resolution for 2011, and I began to recognize that God would lead me in ways to love him with my intelligence (mind), honor my seeking of Him (heart), reaching the lost (soul), and strength aka perseverence. My mornings and afternoons were full of prayer (I had also committed to journaling) and felt the call to rise up, and recognize the fact that as Christians we are a chosen generation, and continually instilled in myself that I was walking by the faith of Abraham (Hebrews 11).
The powerful prayer I felt welled up inside me came from understanding salvation, the good news it truly was, and how at that point I understood it so clearer because I was drawing near to God, and He was following His promise to draw near to me. This led me to feel the burden to live "out of the catacombs". Quanti, was an amazing blessing in my life, truly the Eve in my life, and together we searched through Scripture, and she would provide amazing insights- starting at Genesis (Quanti, do you remember our 90 days? :).
Right from the beginning of the year I had the burdens of a missional reformer seeking to lead many to Christ, but also reformer the body of Christ in the process. Honestly though, I felt dry, needed to fill up on the holy water of God and continued to pray about it.
Understanding that we are living in the new heavens and new earth brought much to the table, concerning the leaves of the tree that were for the healing of the nations. I felt called, as I still do, to truly bring that healing. Looking at 2 Corinthians chapter 4 in reference to Romans chapter 12, I saw the truth in the fact that the Old Covenant had been done away with and the renewal brought us into the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ.
My ever-reforming relationship with Quanti was a big deal all throughout 2011, and will continue for the rest of my life, God willing :). In February I did the "name all things" and we began to official date, and I continually reminded myself of Matthew 6:33, and that she was the daughter of my King! I prayed to love her, honor her, her her pursue the life she wanted to live in Christ, and to truly manifest Ephesians 6:22-33.
The gospel of Jesus, the need for souls to be saved, and the historical legacy was continually on my mind (that pretty much sums up why I am the way I am, ha ha ha).
prayed God keep His gospel ever before my eyes (Glorious gospel, salvation of souls, and the historical legacy)- this is why we do this! Ephesians 1 continually brought me energy. It was natural, and to quote a random quote, "worship is an outward expression of an inward reality".
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6)".
Throughout the middle of the year as I continued to grow in my understanding of the gospel and live as a modern day apostle, it would ever so often offer me the opportunity for debate and dialogue. I began to take serious the command to defend the faith delivered to the Apostles, and realized it was through the Scriptures alone that strongholds would be demolished. I prayed and prayed for humility (as I still do) in teaching the truth in love, yet coming in dispute with false teachings and doctrines, those who would label be a "heretic" which I earned this year by teaching true doctrine through the Consider Yesterday series on Youtube.
In defense of the gospel, I began to have what I call "Luther moments". It hurt to be ostracised at times, but I was encouraged by the Spirit that what I was doing what right. I began to read through Alan Hirsch's books for encouragement yet again.
"...tamed by tradition, captivated by culture, and controlled by our desire to fit in"- quoted from Untamed, which is such a true statement and is hindering many from having a true life in Christ. Many churches and pastors are seeking to domesticate Christians rather than truly disciple them.
As I grew in the truth of salvation in Christ, the truth of the Scriptures, and a better understanding of the Preterist doctrine, I began to have some come in direct opposition with me. At that point I inititated PLAN BE: Be the Change You Want to See in the World. Seriously, think about all the gripes people have, especially Christians in the Church. So, I lauched The Fellowship C.H.U.R.C.H. on June 25, 2011. Granted, starting a church wasn't exactly on the agenda for the year, but after giving up my internship to follow the Scriptures, I felt led to start what I would call "the solution".
In the midst of writing my book, Freaked-Out by the New Covenant", this was hard but it was such a blessing, and is continuing to challenge me. I must say, I owe alot to Quanti for the persevering attitude.
So here I sit, January 9, 2012 reflecting on a year that has brought me into missional debates with so many people- Unitarian Univeralists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses. A year that has offered me the opportunity to disciple people in the truth of Scripture and lead some to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. A year that through my personal growth has allowed me to visioneer and begin to pastor The Fellowship C.H.U.R.C.H., and to truly be an opinion leader, might I dare say a sort of social gadfly, in the Christian Church. Truly a year of awe and answered prayer, and is leading me into a reborn perspective in the kingdom of God (we have to love how God works).
Granted, I must admit....the resolutions for 2011 didn't go all that well. I still do not have my own car, I haven't read through the entire Greek and Hebrew Bible (although, I have done fairly well, thanks to Q for buying me one :)). I have not memorized any books of the Bible, and did not learn any new languages. I did however study systematic theology and develop a good framework, finished writing my book, graduated college, planted a church, have continually worked on my personal integrity/ honesty and compassion. I imagine I accomplished a bit more on my bucket list this year as well- yes, I went on a cruise with Q to the Bahamas!!! woohoo!
As far as 2012, man it has already started pretty darn amazing. Entering into the year with the mindset of being famous for the glory of Jesus, I seek to accomplish big things! Some resolutions include getting involved with radio (both speaking and listening), I want to buy thrift, start a sort of daily work out regimen, live with a free, passionate engaging attitude as I launch my tour- "End Your World 2012" with a zeal empowered by knowledge.
( I seek to have my book published in March 2012, get married (yes, you read that right!!!), and believe it or not shorten my messages (hopefully this will be the last long blog of Michael Miano :).
With that, I will end. Let's let 2012 truly be an end of the world as we know it. Let's go hard for the gospel of Jesus Christ, preach by any means necessary..This is how we will act as the Church in unison, our missionality- go! Speak the Truth in love.
2012- go hard for the gospel. any means necessary, missionally bring unity to the body- speak the truth in love
"Living in a world come of age, as dead men not cowards"
Blessings in Christ,
Michael Miano
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