Mind Overload
Well, it is taking a lot for me to type this blog because of all the events currently going on in my life (in regards to personal issues, still processing my trip to Israel/ Palestine, and doing some recent studies as well).
I want to make sure I give a brief update on how my trip was and what I experienced. Since I returned the common questions I receive are “How was Israel”, “Did you have a good time on your trip”, and “Did you accomplish what you went there for”. Well, visiting Israel/ Palestine was an experience and that’s the best way I can put it and in time I will explain. As far as having a good time, that was hardly the reason I went, although amidst the learning experience there was some fun points such as spending time with our fellow team members, drinking shots in West Jerusalem, playing soccer/ football, and of course seeing the tourist sites that everyone wants to see while in Israel. Now, for the more meaty question of did I accomplish what I set out to do. Absolutely, the basic goal I set was to know the faces, which was pretty much what the whole trip was about. We spent time in many meetings, home visits (even slept in homes and tents), and did all that we could within 2 weeks to understand the conflict. Upon my return I have drafted a basic statement concerning my trip:
“I went to Israel/ Palestine to make and help efforts toward a sustainable peace. I made it my personal agenda to "KNOW THE FACES", which meant knowing the faces of those who are constantly in our media, spoken about in our Christian theology, etc...This has enabled me to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, whether it's the unrecognized villages of the Bedouins in the Negev or the heavy military presence in Al Khalil.
I am burdened by the demolished homes, illegal settlement expansions, and the inhumane (seemingly systematic destruction) treatment of the Palestinian people, yet I remain optimistic and inspired by Palestinian groups such as The Holy Land Trust, Israeli groups such as ICAHD and Breaking the Silence, as well as international supporters.”
Therefore with that said, I would like to invite you to call or email me to set up a discussion time so I can share more of my information with you. Also, I will be looking to schedule speaking engagements wherever possible, so if you can help me with locations that would be great, or just look out for places that I will post. You can also visit the website I created pertaining to my trip @ http://www.riskybusinessforchrist.weebly.com
Another thing, lately I have been doing extensive studies into fulfilled eschatology and various studies which I look forward to sharing (have become a bit of a aspiring scholar lately). Look forward to these posts.
Until next time, have a great Christmas and remember the revolution that was started by the birth of the Messiah!
Blessings in Christ,
Michael Miano
Ps. Please keep me in prayer concerning my firm conviction to “seek 1st the Kingdom of God” in all things!!! Thank you!
Theological, missional, social, and random musings of a "Jesus Freak" living for the glory of God through Jesus Christ!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Why Palestine?
Well, I leave for Palestine in less than 72 hours, and it has been a trying past week at that. Thanks be to God for the strength, all all the loved ones who has helped, discussed, and just cared for me as I have been going through the ringer (I could not have kept my sanity without you all).
I wanted to briefly document my thoughts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and why I feel called to participate in this mission, as I have called "Know the Faces". (http://www.riskybusinessforchrist.weebly.com).
Well, for starters I have never been a dispensationalist, which means I refuse separate the people of God as Israel (God's Chosen) and the church, and this has allowed me to not have blinders concerning Israel( visit this site : http://www.theologicalstudies.org/dispen.html). When I first came to Christ and stood under the teaching of brother Paul Richard Jr. Curran, I learned much of who and what Israel was. I have studies theology and history concerning Israel and have grown to have many concerns about what is going on over in this place once called Canaan.
I remember reading about Rachel Corrie, and how she protested the inhumane treatment of Palestinians and this eventually led to her death (Google: Rachel Corrie). This inspired me because I believe that standing in the face of danger especially in regards to the welfare of people is what Christianity is all about, exactly what we see Jesus Christ doing throughout the gospels( Luke 4:18-21), and this is many senses has come to be labeled liberation theology. Isn't liberation exactly what the New Covenant is about?
Many people question the "no more tears, pain, death" scriptures(Isaiah 25 cf. Revelation 21:1-27) as to apply in some future time or now (the kingdom of God), but looking at this situation in Palestine, and oppressed people all over the world, we have perfect opportunity to live in love and make this "no more tears" concept a reality, RIGHT NOW!!!
I have always been overly- agitated by what we call missions in the Christian church, I have failed to see the element of self-sacrifice and danger that we see in the "Jesus Freaks" and missionaries we read about. And then I stumbled upon the Christian Peacemaker Teams, one of the few groups who seem to understand the concept of "die to self" (Matthew 16:24-25).
The time has come for me as a student of the Word of God, a man who is inspired by those who take initiative, and a conscientious thinker of this Israel thing, to finally "Know the Faces". Yes, I will quote Shane Claiborne (as I do many times) ,
"And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about." .
This is exactly my goal, to get past the dry knowledge concept and to truly live this out, and my goal is to come home and to tell you all about what I experienced as I sought to be a true Jesus Freak and live this great virtue of love (1 Corinthians 13:3), and in the effort to inspire you to do the same!
All for His Glory, -Jesus Christ
Mike Miano
"Ignorance, while dangerous, is a condition that can be altered - apathy very often is not. Ironically enough, ignorance is not necessarily dangerous until it is paired with apathy - if a person does not know something, it doesn't truly become dangerous until he lacks the desire to learn. While it is true that ignorance is a great way to spread misinformation, apathy is also a great way to make certain that nobody disputes it. There will always be ignorance that seeks to be enlightened - the same cannot be said of apathy. The ignorant can always be informed - it is only when they are too apathetic to care that they no longer ARE informed." - quoted from a anonymous writer
Here are some of my inspirations concerning the Israel/ Palestine Controversy (Disclaimer: I do not agree with everything these books, articles, and people say. Prove all things!).
SoS: Calling the Tribe of Dan by Paul Richard Jr. Curran (ask me about this, available upon request)
Synagoue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
God's Covenant People: Yesterday, Today, and Forever by Ted. Weiland
The Rachel Corrie Story - http://www.rachelcorrie.org/
The Irrisistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
cpt.org- Christian Peacemaker Teams Website
Reformed-Full Pret Theology - consider the Biblical evidence of how God works through covenants (I am always willing to sit down and have some studies based on this, contact me!)
I wanted to briefly document my thoughts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and why I feel called to participate in this mission, as I have called "Know the Faces". (http://www.riskybusinessforchrist.weebly.com).
Well, for starters I have never been a dispensationalist, which means I refuse separate the people of God as Israel (God's Chosen) and the church, and this has allowed me to not have blinders concerning Israel( visit this site : http://www.theologicalstudies.org/dispen.html). When I first came to Christ and stood under the teaching of brother Paul Richard Jr. Curran, I learned much of who and what Israel was. I have studies theology and history concerning Israel and have grown to have many concerns about what is going on over in this place once called Canaan.
I remember reading about Rachel Corrie, and how she protested the inhumane treatment of Palestinians and this eventually led to her death (Google: Rachel Corrie). This inspired me because I believe that standing in the face of danger especially in regards to the welfare of people is what Christianity is all about, exactly what we see Jesus Christ doing throughout the gospels( Luke 4:18-21), and this is many senses has come to be labeled liberation theology. Isn't liberation exactly what the New Covenant is about?
Many people question the "no more tears, pain, death" scriptures(Isaiah 25 cf. Revelation 21:1-27) as to apply in some future time or now (the kingdom of God), but looking at this situation in Palestine, and oppressed people all over the world, we have perfect opportunity to live in love and make this "no more tears" concept a reality, RIGHT NOW!!!
I have always been overly- agitated by what we call missions in the Christian church, I have failed to see the element of self-sacrifice and danger that we see in the "Jesus Freaks" and missionaries we read about. And then I stumbled upon the Christian Peacemaker Teams, one of the few groups who seem to understand the concept of "die to self" (Matthew 16:24-25).
The time has come for me as a student of the Word of God, a man who is inspired by those who take initiative, and a conscientious thinker of this Israel thing, to finally "Know the Faces". Yes, I will quote Shane Claiborne (as I do many times) ,
"And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about." .
This is exactly my goal, to get past the dry knowledge concept and to truly live this out, and my goal is to come home and to tell you all about what I experienced as I sought to be a true Jesus Freak and live this great virtue of love (1 Corinthians 13:3), and in the effort to inspire you to do the same!
All for His Glory, -Jesus Christ
Mike Miano
"Ignorance, while dangerous, is a condition that can be altered - apathy very often is not. Ironically enough, ignorance is not necessarily dangerous until it is paired with apathy - if a person does not know something, it doesn't truly become dangerous until he lacks the desire to learn. While it is true that ignorance is a great way to spread misinformation, apathy is also a great way to make certain that nobody disputes it. There will always be ignorance that seeks to be enlightened - the same cannot be said of apathy. The ignorant can always be informed - it is only when they are too apathetic to care that they no longer ARE informed." - quoted from a anonymous writer
Here are some of my inspirations concerning the Israel/ Palestine Controversy (Disclaimer: I do not agree with everything these books, articles, and people say. Prove all things!).
SoS: Calling the Tribe of Dan by Paul Richard Jr. Curran (ask me about this, available upon request)
Synagoue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
God's Covenant People: Yesterday, Today, and Forever by Ted. Weiland
The Rachel Corrie Story - http://www.rachelcorrie.org/
The Irrisistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne
cpt.org- Christian Peacemaker Teams Website
Reformed-Full Pret Theology - consider the Biblical evidence of how God works through covenants (I am always willing to sit down and have some studies based on this, contact me!)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
What are you Screaming with your Life? - An Alternative Story

" He set another parable before them, saying, "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches." (Matthew 13:31-32)
Ok, well wanted to make a video because I believe I can explain the passion of the kingdom of God that is welled up inside me so much better on video or in person, but I’m going to try this method.
Lately I realized through reading and talking with others that the Biblical narrative as a story, causes some questions. For example, why did God choose to operate the way He did? Why Jesus? Why the "Kingdom of God, etc..I have come to realize there is great reward in understanding the "Kingdom of God", and I'm not talking about some "die and go to heaven stuff", I mean more for the here and now, you know "live your best life now" type of stuff.
So what is it?
Let's take it from the beginning. As you open the book of Genesis you meet Adam and Eve, these are the people who God is in covenant with (which means relationship). Most of us have heard the story of the apple of sin many times, so we know that Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Now God created us for a relationship with Him, so God obviously sees the need for some rules in His people. Now we pause..
Why did God want a people? God in His divine wisdom created the natural order of things, the why's and what's of the world, there
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has”-Margaret Mead
So, God takes this small people come to be known as Israelites (the people of God) and institutes a Law ( a fence you could say) to keep them separate from the world. These are the people God cultivates and blesses through time. Many "prophets" pop up here and there and are a bit radical, some see visions concerning the future that will grow beyond the fence and dream of this (the hope of Israel).
As with any spoiled child, these people of God began to feel self-righteous about there doings, and began to condemn all things that were not as they saw fit, and as time progressed they became divisive and hard hearted to the things of God, it was no longer about God’s glory, it became about the preservation of their way of doing things (Biblical language- Pharisee).
Then the Messiah was born. We read about this miraculous virgin birth in the beginning of the biographical books of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John- called they Gospels, which we will get into in a moment).
Jesus Christ, known as the son of Joseph, was born the son of God, to fulfill the hope of Israel- the kingdom of God. This kingdom would be the fulfillment of all that the prophets had spoken about and would be the hope of Israel, this is the good news.
Jesus Christ steps on the scene and immediately declares “The kingdom of God is at hand”. Basically the time is now, and he begins to explain.
Now, remember the verse in the beginning of this blog? Re-read it. You see how God works? He started small, instituted a way for this plant to grow separate from weeds and other plants- now he is going to open the gate and let the plant grow in the garden and take over!
Think. Reaping the garden will occur (judgment), cleansing, and then freedom!
As a Christian, you, me and others are this over grown radical garden. The good news Jesus Christ was declaring is that “another world is possible”! He said that to those Jews in His time to let them know the way God has been operating with you guys in the fence is over and a new way is going, and that same concept must be reverberated throughout our time today!
Out of the 12 men that followed Jesus Christ, 11 of them understood what He was saying and drew inspiration from their heroes (the Old Testament Prophets) and as Scripture says “turned the world upside-down”. That is how this kingdom stuff works- we must begin to renew, re-invent, re-imagine another world
So my question to you? What exactly are you screaming with your life? How are you growing outside the fence?
Good Inspiration concerning this kingdom:
“We are convinced that Jesus came not to prepare us to die but to teach us how to live. The kingdom of God is not just something we hope for when we die but something we “live on earth as it is in heaven.
...but throughout ages, beautiful saints have lived faithfully, giving us hope that a set part people can fascinate and bless the world.
...a movement of people who stepped out of the empire that was oppressing them and began creating a new way of life.
..Christians should be troublemakers, creators of uncertainty, agents of a dimension incompatible with society”.
-Quotes from books written by Shane Claiborne
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Till’ I’m Blue-in-the-Face: Why life must be in and through Jesus Christ
John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father except through me”.
Lately, I have been reading a great book called The Urantia Book, which is deeply metaphysical and a bit universalistic. I have many met people during my Christian walk who are universal and subscribe to the thought that "all ways lead to God”, or as the famous phrase goes- “There is one God but many ways”. Now, as I have been reading through this book, and standing firmly upon my foundation of Jesus Christ, I have challenged myself as to WHY MUST IT BE JESUS? Why do I feel the urge to defend the inerrancy of the Word of God and salvation of men through Jesus Christ?
Well, let me start off by admitting I believe in absolute truth. The philosophers struggled with this concept of truth and it tends to get a bit sticky at times, but if there is truth there has to be absolute truth. Jesus Christ said, “I am the truth..”.
I love stories of people who have been completely against Christianity and sought to prove its error, but in the end face Jesus Christ, the Truth, head on and become Christians. (Admittedly, because that is my story). It requires alot of humility to face the fact that your presuppositions are wrong, and the lack of humility has worked to the disadvantage of many.
As I tell many people, I am a firm believer that if you set out on a truth quest (similar to Ghandi), and are honest in the face of controversy and facts, you will eventually be led to Jesus Christ.
A great book to read would be Lee Strobel’s, A Case for Christ. With that said, the documentation of the Bible and the historicity of the Christian movement clears many doubts. There are many external resources to document the life of Jesus Christ and his movement, so as to make the reality of His life and movement a fact. The issue does not reside in whether or not Jesus lived on earth and started a movement now called Christianity- that's all reliable and unarguable history.
Here are some research sites:
The issue resides in whether or not he was the Christ that the Israelite’s were waiting for and what exactly did He do?
Alot of misunderstandings of who and what Jesus Christ was and accomplished are to blame for the lack of many fully understanding this “Christianity thing”.
We must seek to understand God, after all isn’t that what this journey is all about. The expression of the Church that I congregate with -Messiah Reformed Church- holds to mission statement of “Pursuing and Sharing our Joy in the Knowledge of Him”. That is our goal to grow and develop in our knowledge of Him, which through proper understanding will produce joy.
As we study through the Old Testament, we learn of God creating a covenant with a group of people- First God saves Noah, leads Abraham to another land, Jacob (Israel) becomes the covenant people, and then Moses is called to be a leader of the people and to institute a way of life for the people of God. This is all leads up to what is called the Old Covenant.
These covenant people- which basically means those who are in agreement with God, are those who will receive God’s guidance and blessings. I recently asked my pastor- “Why did God choose to create a covenant with the Israelites”, we don’t know specifically, but what we can extract out of the Word of God is that it was for His glory!
God’s chosen people, were to be a separate people for the glory of God, and this came with responsibility which lead to the Law of Moses (much of what we understand as the 10 Commandments). This was a hard responsibility for the Israelites that’s why we have books such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel and all the others- who were prophets pretty much yelling at the people of God and the surrounding nations, and who spoke God’s divine judgments and in many senses God’s displeasure with how His people were acting.
So, this is where the plot thickens and Jesus Christ comes into play. From the outset we must fully understand that we cannot think like God, so there will be unanswered questions (Isaiah 55:8), but we can and must dig as deep as we can to understand what we can. The fancy words use to describe God are, He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient, which basically mean that He alone is God and that He is beyond time, everywhere, and always able to do as He pleases. Jesus Christ was the plan from the beginning (best to always remember that this whole thing is for His glory!), and this was all to demonstrate His love and desire to have a people of His own, who love Him with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strengths.
Jesus Christ, was the fulfillment of what all the prophets were speaking about. The Messiah who would make all things new! If you ever take the time to read through the biblical prophets you will see a common theme- they all look to a time of judgment and restoration of Israel, and this was expected to come through the Messiah.
Read Isaiah 9:1-7;11:1-12:6; 40:1-5; 42:1-9; 49:8-26; 55:1-13;61:1-11; 65:1-28 (How can you not get excited when considering all of God’s “I wills...”
Jeremiah 23:1-7; 30:1-31:38 (The famous New Covenant prophesy)
OK, that's just to name a few..but really sit down and read through those verses..The time of the Messiah would be great and would open new doors for new stuff..Man, this New Covenant would be radical and exciting.
OK, so for those skeptical of Jesus Christ... I refuse to spend much time on this topic because proving the existence of the man Jesus who lived in the Middle East is similar to proving your existence, its that elementary. I venture to say that ignorance is the only reason people can still say “I don’t believe Jesus of Nazareth existed”. But...let’s say you do:
Was He a liar? Maybe just made it all up?!?!?! (that makes it more confusing).
Was He a madman? He obviously believed what He said because it’s simply, what He said and did that got him killed (which is also documented history).
Was He exactly what He said He was?
"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us." -C.S. Lewis
The reality of this new covenant- OK, so here we are. The New Covenant is a reality and it must be through Jesus Christ, simply because Jesus was the awaited Messiah of the Israelite people, who were God’s chosen, and their judgment and redemption made the redemption of all the other nations possible (read- Romans 9:4-5, 15:8; Isaiah 49:6; Matthew 10:5-6; John 4:22, or better yet read the whole Biblical account from Genesis to Revelation).
We have been welcomed into this agreement with God to be a people marked by love and truth. Live is a matter of restoration, it’s not through self-righteousness which the Israelite people had to do through the Law, but rather through Jesus Christ(2 John 6; Matthew 22:37-40; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 6:2, and as always there is plenty more if you dig). A life of freedom and love, a revolution that the 11 men who followed Jesus started, and we must zealously live out today!
Simply said, this whole Christianity thing is not what it seems. Jesus Christ did not start a religion, instead He set religion on fire and started a movement through that fire( the New Covenant). The new way of doing things....
So, are you still skeptical? Are you telling me that this whole thing is a mass conspiracy of love???? What?!?
Ha, Ha..hope I ended that with a little laugh..guess what? We are free to laugh! I hope I challenged some thoughts concerning life and Life (Jesus Christ), as always would love to talk these topics out with you...It’s that important!
Love, peace, and joy,
Mike Miano
P.S.- Lately, I have been participating in a discipleship class called Alpha, which explains and fosters discussion concerning “Why Jesus”. You can watch the video’s at
Lately, I have been reading a great book called The Urantia Book, which is deeply metaphysical and a bit universalistic. I have many met people during my Christian walk who are universal and subscribe to the thought that "all ways lead to God”, or as the famous phrase goes- “There is one God but many ways”. Now, as I have been reading through this book, and standing firmly upon my foundation of Jesus Christ, I have challenged myself as to WHY MUST IT BE JESUS? Why do I feel the urge to defend the inerrancy of the Word of God and salvation of men through Jesus Christ?
Well, let me start off by admitting I believe in absolute truth. The philosophers struggled with this concept of truth and it tends to get a bit sticky at times, but if there is truth there has to be absolute truth. Jesus Christ said, “I am the truth..”.
I love stories of people who have been completely against Christianity and sought to prove its error, but in the end face Jesus Christ, the Truth, head on and become Christians. (Admittedly, because that is my story). It requires alot of humility to face the fact that your presuppositions are wrong, and the lack of humility has worked to the disadvantage of many.
As I tell many people, I am a firm believer that if you set out on a truth quest (similar to Ghandi), and are honest in the face of controversy and facts, you will eventually be led to Jesus Christ.
A great book to read would be Lee Strobel’s, A Case for Christ. With that said, the documentation of the Bible and the historicity of the Christian movement clears many doubts. There are many external resources to document the life of Jesus Christ and his movement, so as to make the reality of His life and movement a fact. The issue does not reside in whether or not Jesus lived on earth and started a movement now called Christianity- that's all reliable and unarguable history.
Here are some research sites:
The issue resides in whether or not he was the Christ that the Israelite’s were waiting for and what exactly did He do?
Alot of misunderstandings of who and what Jesus Christ was and accomplished are to blame for the lack of many fully understanding this “Christianity thing”.
We must seek to understand God, after all isn’t that what this journey is all about. The expression of the Church that I congregate with -Messiah Reformed Church- holds to mission statement of “Pursuing and Sharing our Joy in the Knowledge of Him”. That is our goal to grow and develop in our knowledge of Him, which through proper understanding will produce joy.
As we study through the Old Testament, we learn of God creating a covenant with a group of people- First God saves Noah, leads Abraham to another land, Jacob (Israel) becomes the covenant people, and then Moses is called to be a leader of the people and to institute a way of life for the people of God. This is all leads up to what is called the Old Covenant.
These covenant people- which basically means those who are in agreement with God, are those who will receive God’s guidance and blessings. I recently asked my pastor- “Why did God choose to create a covenant with the Israelites”, we don’t know specifically, but what we can extract out of the Word of God is that it was for His glory!
God’s chosen people, were to be a separate people for the glory of God, and this came with responsibility which lead to the Law of Moses (much of what we understand as the 10 Commandments). This was a hard responsibility for the Israelites that’s why we have books such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel and all the others- who were prophets pretty much yelling at the people of God and the surrounding nations, and who spoke God’s divine judgments and in many senses God’s displeasure with how His people were acting.
So, this is where the plot thickens and Jesus Christ comes into play. From the outset we must fully understand that we cannot think like God, so there will be unanswered questions (Isaiah 55:8), but we can and must dig as deep as we can to understand what we can. The fancy words use to describe God are, He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omniscient, which basically mean that He alone is God and that He is beyond time, everywhere, and always able to do as He pleases. Jesus Christ was the plan from the beginning (best to always remember that this whole thing is for His glory!), and this was all to demonstrate His love and desire to have a people of His own, who love Him with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strengths.
Jesus Christ, was the fulfillment of what all the prophets were speaking about. The Messiah who would make all things new! If you ever take the time to read through the biblical prophets you will see a common theme- they all look to a time of judgment and restoration of Israel, and this was expected to come through the Messiah.
Read Isaiah 9:1-7;11:1-12:6; 40:1-5; 42:1-9; 49:8-26; 55:1-13;61:1-11; 65:1-28 (How can you not get excited when considering all of God’s “I wills...”
Jeremiah 23:1-7; 30:1-31:38 (The famous New Covenant prophesy)
OK, that's just to name a few..but really sit down and read through those verses..The time of the Messiah would be great and would open new doors for new stuff..Man, this New Covenant would be radical and exciting.
OK, so for those skeptical of Jesus Christ... I refuse to spend much time on this topic because proving the existence of the man Jesus who lived in the Middle East is similar to proving your existence, its that elementary. I venture to say that ignorance is the only reason people can still say “I don’t believe Jesus of Nazareth existed”. But...let’s say you do:
Was He a liar? Maybe just made it all up?!?!?! (that makes it more confusing).
Was He a madman? He obviously believed what He said because it’s simply, what He said and did that got him killed (which is also documented history).
Was He exactly what He said He was?
"A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic - on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg - or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us." -C.S. Lewis
The reality of this new covenant- OK, so here we are. The New Covenant is a reality and it must be through Jesus Christ, simply because Jesus was the awaited Messiah of the Israelite people, who were God’s chosen, and their judgment and redemption made the redemption of all the other nations possible (read- Romans 9:4-5, 15:8; Isaiah 49:6; Matthew 10:5-6; John 4:22, or better yet read the whole Biblical account from Genesis to Revelation).
We have been welcomed into this agreement with God to be a people marked by love and truth. Live is a matter of restoration, it’s not through self-righteousness which the Israelite people had to do through the Law, but rather through Jesus Christ(2 John 6; Matthew 22:37-40; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 6:2, and as always there is plenty more if you dig). A life of freedom and love, a revolution that the 11 men who followed Jesus started, and we must zealously live out today!
Simply said, this whole Christianity thing is not what it seems. Jesus Christ did not start a religion, instead He set religion on fire and started a movement through that fire( the New Covenant). The new way of doing things....
So, are you still skeptical? Are you telling me that this whole thing is a mass conspiracy of love???? What?!?
Ha, Ha..hope I ended that with a little laugh..guess what? We are free to laugh! I hope I challenged some thoughts concerning life and Life (Jesus Christ), as always would love to talk these topics out with you...It’s that important!
Love, peace, and joy,
Mike Miano
P.S.- Lately, I have been participating in a discipleship class called Alpha, which explains and fosters discussion concerning “Why Jesus”. You can watch the video’s at
covenant God,
Jesus Christ,
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Puritanical Ostracism
Last night, Gabriella and I went to see the movie, Easy A. The movie was a high school flic based on The Scarlett Letter, I guess one could venture to say a modern day tale. The term "Jesus Freak" was used much too imply the religious crowd at school who pretty much made all the gossip spread and judged everyone on campus (sounds a lot like today's churchianity, doesn't it?).
"Puritanical Ostracism" was a term used the movie by a girl who was labeled a "skank" and embraced it by putting the red letter A on her clothing as taken from the movie The Scarlett Letter.
A bit of history of the Puritans. (Yes, Gabriella had to deal with this right after the movie, laughs). The Puritans are pretty much what we owe our tribute to here in America, since America was suppose to be the land where the kingdom of God would spawn. These people from England wanted to create a pure, set apart nation for God, and would deem themselves "the godly". If one reads about Puritan Theology, you will most likely read about how to abstain from sin, become pure in mind, and living a very devout life.
Now, first I would like to say that I am fond of many Puritan writings and contributions to Christianity, but I do recognize some flaws that have become very prevalent in American Christianity. I would definitely attribute much of the religiosity of our Christianity to the Puritans.
For example, this desire to be holy and righteous, rather than seeking His righteousness and allowing God to do work through you, is very evident. The end result is more Pharisaic than it is Christ-like. Remember when Jesus approached the woman caught in adultery? (John chapter 7). "You without sin throw the first stone". Where is that attitude today?
Also, the constant discussion of demons, devils, and sin is another given to Puritan Theology. I had this discussion with a man the other night who seemed to deem everything in the world demonic. Why don't we just listen to Jesus Christ and "seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness.."? How so? Read Romans chapter 14, emphasis on verse 11, "The kingdom of God is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Spirit".
The movie Easy A, gave me a harsh glimpse into what "non-Christians" are seeing within us as the Church. Our shift has become highly Pharisaic and we are quickly becoming the people Jesus Christ yelled at the most.
As I seek to draw closer to Christ, to learn more about Him, His good news, and His kingdom, I am realizing that it is a messy, upside-down journey...we need to focus on creating righteousness, joy and peace by living missionally and being the change we want to see in the world.
I have committed myself to no longer dwell on what "they" (the world, other Christians, etc) don't have, but rather begin to truly live in what we do have- righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit.
by His wonderful Grace,
Mike Miano
"According to His critics, Jesus "did God" all wrong. He went to the wrong places, said the wrong things, and worst of all let just anyone into the kingdom. Jesus scandalized an intimidating, elitist, country club religion by opening membership in the spiritual life to those who had been denied it. What made people furious was Jesus' "irresponsible" habit of throwing open the doors of His love to whosoever, the just-any-ones, and the not-a-chancers like you and me"- quoted from the book Messy Spirituality: God's Annoying Love for Imperfect People.
Kingdom of God,
puritanical ostracism,
Friday, September 10, 2010
I Am Free to Love!
Well friends, today or rather yesterday I completed my 30 days of reading through the Bible (this was suppose to be in a Ramadan fashion, but safe to admit I didn't fast properly and didn't get to attend any iftar's with Muslims, bot exactly happy about that, but life goes on).
Anyways, reading through the Word of God is always a journey and new truths speak out every time, this time even more than any other time. Honestly, these lats couple weeks I feel like I have been getting a handle on this whole "Good News" thing. Truthfully, when I ask many (not all) other Christians what the "good news" is that we call "gospel", I don't understand what they see as good news, and I don't think they see it either.
So, really what is the "good news" that Christ came to tell us?
Well let's look back. We know that God instituted the Old Covenant with the Israelite people in order to draw a people unto Himself, who would give Him glory and could have a sample of His presence by following the Law. Only through sacrifice and obedience could God be sought out. Just think of life like that, "touch not, taste not", as we read about the Ark of the Covenant and all these religious themes we can sense the fear the people had of being "cursed by God". The really radical thing that we continually see is that God has always wanted the deeper things such as the heart and love of man rather than simple outward religious faith.
I Samuel 15:22- "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice and to heed is better than the fat of the rams".
I would rather advise you to read the entire chapter of Psalms 51, but I will quote a part of it to illustrate my point. "O Lord open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it, you do not pleasure in burnt offerings, the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart (Psalms 51:15-17a)". For more verses read Hosea and Micah.
Do you see it? God does not want the outward stuff, but rather what comes from inside our hearts, and we see Jesus compellingly criticizing the Pharisees of His day concerning these matters. But the Law of the Old Covenant made the outward things necessary!
So then comes this Messiah, the anointed one, who will essentially make "all things new", thus the term "New Covenant". The kingdom (presence) of God and righteousness will no longer need to be a thing sought by men by standards and Law, but rather will "dwell among them". This was a big deal to the 1st Century peoples, especially the religious people. The law of God, or rather the Law of Christ would be written on the hearts of men (Jeremiah 31:33-34, Hebrews 8:6-13 and 10:14-18). What is this law? The law of Christ (1 Corinthians 9:21, Galatians 6:2, amongst other verses that illustrate this point).
So as the title of this blog says, "I am free to love!". Come on sing it, you know the song! What exactly does that mean? I am free from having to tell people they are sinners and must live right because by love I can show them the love of Christ and be a light in the midst of darkness. I am free from having to live a partially sanitized life, but rather can serve God through a life of love and service. I am free to live, to truly be in the world not of it, and I mean really live without stressing "is this a sin", "should i be around these people", "should I be in church right now", etc. That my friends, in the glory of the New Covenant that stressed out the religious people in Jesus' day and continues to do so in religious circles today.
Consider the Galatians factor. The church in Galatia had this exact problem, when the religious Jews began to mix with the Gentiles.This religious spirit is clearly called what it is, hypocrisy, because it is against the freedom to love of the Law of Christ. Read Galatians chapter 2:11-21.
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love (Galatians 5:6)".
Consider the fact that under the Old Covenant Law, even the supposedly righteous religious leaders committed sins against the rules, but yet their outward appearance of being holy, gave them a false sense of righteousness ("I'm better than you"), but it was exactly that FALSE! Christ brought the reality of the Law which was recognizing that even though we are sinners, through love (Christ's law) we can seek His kingdom and His righteousness.
Truly understanding this new, alternative, radical, revolutionary change that Jesus Christ brought into affect is what makes a believer "freak out". Jesus Christ presented the Jews of His time and us today with a new opportunity to experience God. Consider the recent religious cliche' of "It's not about religion, but relationship". Very true!
"But thanks be to Gold, who always leads us through triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing (2 Corinthians 2:14-15)".
I urge you my fellow believers, seek to truly live and read the Word of God through New Covenant Eyes (for more info, check out newcovenanteyes.com)
All for the sake of righteousness, peace, and joy,
Mike Miano
good news,
new covenant eyes
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
The Latest- Freaked Out News
Hey everyone. Well, it has been a couple weeks so I felt it necessary to post some thoughts. Also, considering that Freaked-Out Fellowship is in "labor pains" right about (getting ready to re-launch the ministry), I also felt compelled to give some insight into how that is going.
Well for starters something I have really wanted to vent about was the affect the Blue Man Group had on me. Gabriella and I had a weekend together (last weekend) and we went to he Holy Land Experience and The Blue Man Group @ Universal Studios. Now I personally was not a fan of the Holy Land Experience because it was very commercial. I am a fan of the concept that Jesus would hate commercial Christianity! Anyways, The Blue Man Group has the exact opposite effect.Basically the way that Blue Man Group touched all your senses with their message (which is no message at all but just relax and have a good time and be entertained), is the exact way that the people of God need to touch the world with the message of the Gospel.
I was both encouraged and discouraged the whole time. Encouraged because I have finally seen exactly what is going on in my head concerning "Freaked-Out" methods of reaching people, and discouraged because I can't believe that the Church hasnt put that much energy, creativity, and passion into the message. We must draw our inspiration from the 11 men who followed Christ, and thus draw our passion and imagination from the prophets of Israel. (Remember our 1st series for Freaked-Out Fellowship will be Prophets at the Beach, hopefully launching in September).
Lately, all my thoughts have been to the concept of Freaked-Out Fellowship (I would imagine it being because I am a freaked-out follower of Jesus and want others to journey this exciting road with me). Gabriella even confirmed this last night when she said "You get inspired by everything for ministry", awesome, isnt that they way it is suppose to be?
Ok, so where do we stand. Freaked-Out Fellowship is still is recruitment stage, looking for a minimum of 2 more local Jesus Freaks, Are you one? I am currently working on a membership concept which will explain what it means and the commitment I am looking for (or better said the commitment He is looking for). In a couple days I will be posting my letter to the Church which will explain some of the insight of a Jesus Freak.
Also, feel obligated to visit the webpage- http://www.freakedoutfellowship.weebly.com
Well, just wanted to share some thoughts and will be posting alot more in the coming days!
Love and Truth- The marks of Life,
Mike Miano
Well for starters something I have really wanted to vent about was the affect the Blue Man Group had on me. Gabriella and I had a weekend together (last weekend) and we went to he Holy Land Experience and The Blue Man Group @ Universal Studios. Now I personally was not a fan of the Holy Land Experience because it was very commercial. I am a fan of the concept that Jesus would hate commercial Christianity! Anyways, The Blue Man Group has the exact opposite effect.Basically the way that Blue Man Group touched all your senses with their message (which is no message at all but just relax and have a good time and be entertained), is the exact way that the people of God need to touch the world with the message of the Gospel.
I was both encouraged and discouraged the whole time. Encouraged because I have finally seen exactly what is going on in my head concerning "Freaked-Out" methods of reaching people, and discouraged because I can't believe that the Church hasnt put that much energy, creativity, and passion into the message. We must draw our inspiration from the 11 men who followed Christ, and thus draw our passion and imagination from the prophets of Israel. (Remember our 1st series for Freaked-Out Fellowship will be Prophets at the Beach, hopefully launching in September).
Lately, all my thoughts have been to the concept of Freaked-Out Fellowship (I would imagine it being because I am a freaked-out follower of Jesus and want others to journey this exciting road with me). Gabriella even confirmed this last night when she said "You get inspired by everything for ministry", awesome, isnt that they way it is suppose to be?
Ok, so where do we stand. Freaked-Out Fellowship is still is recruitment stage, looking for a minimum of 2 more local Jesus Freaks, Are you one? I am currently working on a membership concept which will explain what it means and the commitment I am looking for (or better said the commitment He is looking for). In a couple days I will be posting my letter to the Church which will explain some of the insight of a Jesus Freak.
Also, feel obligated to visit the webpage- http://www.freakedoutfellowship.weebly.com
Well, just wanted to share some thoughts and will be posting alot more in the coming days!
Love and Truth- The marks of Life,
Mike Miano
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Ramadan- A Christian Renewal Exercise
Hey, sorry for the inconvienence but since my blog is acting up and not allowing me to post as usual, please visit the following link...
Monday, August 9, 2010
Decisions..Decisions....A New Covenant Life
Greetings in Christ. As of now many have probably already heard the situation that occurred between Gabriella and I yesterday. For the confused, upset, and indifferent minds, I right this blog to explain my current understanding and way of looking at things.
Just to give a brief re-cap, Gabriella and I got into an argument about my actions that seemingly led to me being labeled a "cheater". All of this came from a situation that was blown out of proportion on her part, and poorly managed on mine. It resulted in a bit of craziness and facebook confusion to say the least.
So whats going on? Well, I am in love with Gabriella and many who are reading this have been involved in the conversations that I express this over and over, so bear with me. We have had our ups and downs through our almost 4 year relationship, been through many discussions with others, and have been labeled "un-equally yoked", "fornicators", etc... In any relationship this would be chaotic, so it has played a toll on ours.
Obviously, now is a time of decisions. Is this relationship healthy, is it going to work, can we somehow get over this, etc.. I clearly understand that these things need to be thought about, discussed, prayed about, and acted on. But what I would like to express is a clearly cohesive decision-making understanding of the New Covenant given to us through Christ Jesus.
Many people will say, "God wants you to do this...", "God made this happen for a reason", "God is telling you...", etc..and thinking through this way of thinking has spurred me to disagree. The New Covenant put an end to the "old order of things (Revelation 21:4 )". Jesus Christ has given us a way of freedom to truly freely choose what we would like to make of our lives, I don't have to wonder in fear if this relationship will keep me out of heaven or even pray for hours about God revealing a special truth to me concerning Gabriella and I. That is the blessing and the curse of the New Covenant, you are truly free to do what you want with your life and accept the consequences as they may be. We need to stop putting God into a situations He has not put Himself in. Yes, God is Sovereign over everything and that is understood from the outset, but God is not making things happen in Gabriella and my relationship, it is simply the nature of things. I value practical advice and I guess that somewhat attributes to my understanding of Christ Jesus and the ways that pleases Him.
Basically, the decision making process I propose is that we have the freedom to choose to do whatever we want with our lives- that essentially is the New Covenant. With that blessing of freedom comes the fact that our decisions will ultimately lead to consequences that none other then ourselves have brought to fruition. I don't have to fear that I am walking out of God's will either way I make the decision and that goes for most decisions, but I can trust that the divine nature of things will work that way.
What is God telling me? Well, as Hebrews chapter 1 explains that God now speaks to us through His Son, Jesus Christ which we understand to be the Word of God (John chapter 1). I am not in the Bible, but God's divine truth guides my decisions and will produce the fruit in my life that needs to be there as long as I persevere and continue to:
"Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness....(Matthew 6:33)".
Please continue to keep these matters in prayer and that I may find rest in His presence.
In Christ, seeking blessings,
Mike Miano
decision making,
new covenant eyes,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The Threat of Islam?!?!?!?
First I would like to start out my greeting all my readers, it has been a while, but as many of you may know I have been busy, busy, busy with raising funds for Israel (which is very much still needed - http://www.riskybusinessforChrist.weebly.com), re-launching new ideas for Freaked-Out Fellowship, living the ups and downs of being in love with a beautiful woman, and being involved in an awesome local expression of the body of Christ (Messiahreformed.com).
` So what did you think of the title? Great! I would like to start out by defining IGNORANCE. Ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. We see this very much in common conversation these days, when people speak on matters they don't know much about. If you read through the book of Proverbs this topic is addressed very much and thus is why as people of God we are told to watch our tongue, or just simply don't speak all that much.
The topic of Islam has always been of interest to me. Before I had come to Christ, I studied Islam under a Shiite imam, and was fascinated and still somewhat am with the devotion to Arab culture. Obviously through studies I have come to believe that Islam is false, and that Christ is the Son of God.
The way many Christians have gone about the discussion of Islam has always bothered me. I remember when I first came to Christ and would foster discussion with Muslims, I would always hear Christians have an issue with me saying allah as a term for God (allah means God in Arabic, even Arab Christians use the term), or say "be careful when reading the Quran". My immediate response to these issues has always been to question the foundation of Christian in these peoples minds, why would we as Christians be so scared of false doctrine, when our doctrine is so clear and true? I still to this day don't understand how many can have a flimsy foundation in Christ (Matthew 7:20-27).
I read and see many Christian books, movies, and discussions that speak against this scary demon of Islam and the threat they pose to us as Christians. This is just ludicrous. Islam is as false as any other religion or ideology that fails to see the truth in Christ Jesus (read through 1 and 2 Epistles of John). That would go for Jews, Buddists, Atheists, and the like. We can not be hypocritical in our approach of truth especially when we are suppose to be people marked by truth and love.
Another good example would be my up and coming renewal fast that I am participating in for Ramadan. Now Ramadan is an Islamic festival of fasting, prayer, alms giving, and study. Muslims believe that Ramadan (which will be August 11 to September 9 of 2010) is the time that the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. I do not believe that the Quran is a holy text or the prophet Muhammad proclaimed the truth of Christ but I see opportunity for a unifying factor and a time of renewal for myself and all who choose to participate. What would Jesus do? Many Christians are seemingly troubled by this idea as you can see by reading about the participation in Ramadan by Brian McLaren and other Christians he congregates with. Why not create a unifying factor with Muslims? I would love to explain more about what my Renewal and Study festival will be like.
Of, so this brings me to the reason for this blog. Just days ago I heard that "they are trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero", and the response isn't that great from many people, especially Christians. I thought the immediate aggravation I was seeing from people was crazy and decided to do some studying (Gabriella and I like to have these conversations, so always researching). As a former 9-11 Truther and being very involved into the studies around September 11, 2001, I have a heart for this topic just as I do Islam. After researching I have realized that this was once again a hyped up issue and still is, and many people are mis-informed. The Cordoba Initiative is looking to build a cultural center with emphasis on better Muslim-West relations, that does not sound like a mosque to me! The idea sounds great and would foster much needed discussion and also help the healing process and blame many have put on Islam as a religion. You can read about it here- http://www.cordobainitiative.org/?q=content/cordoba-house-new-york-city.
As Christians, we need to really develop a loving conduct for both people and truth, they are intertwined, so we must develop both. Believe it or not, in both the Bible and the Quran, Christians are marked as people devoted to love and truth, do we really live up to that title? I did some reading this morning into Muslim-Christian relations in history and you may find it quite interesting, here is the link- http://www.soundvision.com/Info/jesus/MuslimChristianRelations.asp.
Thanks for reading and I hope this fosters great discussion and study.
With love for Truth and people, in Christ Jesus,
Michael Miano
` So what did you think of the title? Great! I would like to start out by defining IGNORANCE. Ignorance is the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. We see this very much in common conversation these days, when people speak on matters they don't know much about. If you read through the book of Proverbs this topic is addressed very much and thus is why as people of God we are told to watch our tongue, or just simply don't speak all that much.
The topic of Islam has always been of interest to me. Before I had come to Christ, I studied Islam under a Shiite imam, and was fascinated and still somewhat am with the devotion to Arab culture. Obviously through studies I have come to believe that Islam is false, and that Christ is the Son of God.
The way many Christians have gone about the discussion of Islam has always bothered me. I remember when I first came to Christ and would foster discussion with Muslims, I would always hear Christians have an issue with me saying allah as a term for God (allah means God in Arabic, even Arab Christians use the term), or say "be careful when reading the Quran". My immediate response to these issues has always been to question the foundation of Christian in these peoples minds, why would we as Christians be so scared of false doctrine, when our doctrine is so clear and true? I still to this day don't understand how many can have a flimsy foundation in Christ (Matthew 7:20-27).
I read and see many Christian books, movies, and discussions that speak against this scary demon of Islam and the threat they pose to us as Christians. This is just ludicrous. Islam is as false as any other religion or ideology that fails to see the truth in Christ Jesus (read through 1 and 2 Epistles of John). That would go for Jews, Buddists, Atheists, and the like. We can not be hypocritical in our approach of truth especially when we are suppose to be people marked by truth and love.
Another good example would be my up and coming renewal fast that I am participating in for Ramadan. Now Ramadan is an Islamic festival of fasting, prayer, alms giving, and study. Muslims believe that Ramadan (which will be August 11 to September 9 of 2010) is the time that the Quran was revealed to the prophet Muhammad. I do not believe that the Quran is a holy text or the prophet Muhammad proclaimed the truth of Christ but I see opportunity for a unifying factor and a time of renewal for myself and all who choose to participate. What would Jesus do? Many Christians are seemingly troubled by this idea as you can see by reading about the participation in Ramadan by Brian McLaren and other Christians he congregates with. Why not create a unifying factor with Muslims? I would love to explain more about what my Renewal and Study festival will be like.
Of, so this brings me to the reason for this blog. Just days ago I heard that "they are trying to build a mosque at Ground Zero", and the response isn't that great from many people, especially Christians. I thought the immediate aggravation I was seeing from people was crazy and decided to do some studying (Gabriella and I like to have these conversations, so always researching). As a former 9-11 Truther and being very involved into the studies around September 11, 2001, I have a heart for this topic just as I do Islam. After researching I have realized that this was once again a hyped up issue and still is, and many people are mis-informed. The Cordoba Initiative is looking to build a cultural center with emphasis on better Muslim-West relations, that does not sound like a mosque to me! The idea sounds great and would foster much needed discussion and also help the healing process and blame many have put on Islam as a religion. You can read about it here- http://www.cordobainitiative.org/?q=content/cordoba-house-new-york-city.
As Christians, we need to really develop a loving conduct for both people and truth, they are intertwined, so we must develop both. Believe it or not, in both the Bible and the Quran, Christians are marked as people devoted to love and truth, do we really live up to that title? I did some reading this morning into Muslim-Christian relations in history and you may find it quite interesting, here is the link- http://www.soundvision.com/Info/jesus/MuslimChristianRelations.asp.
Thanks for reading and I hope this fosters great discussion and study.
With love for Truth and people, in Christ Jesus,
Michael Miano
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Re-Jesus: The Missional Church PART 2
Ok, so we ended yesterday’s post on ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church rather abruptly and I had a lot more to say.
Entering into the last couple chapters which focused on ReJesusing the organization we have come to call church, and we must ask ourselves, “Is this really what Jesus intended for His movement”?
A good equation for us to consider is
Christianity- Christ= Religion.
A great sociological explanation into what we are experiencing in the Church is a problem with routinization of charisma. This means that it is hard to channel the Charisma that Jesus Christ ushered into the movement we call- Christianity. Do I hear someone saying, “Lack of Spirit”? This is more the reason we must ReJesus, and re-encounter Christ daily. The comparison of Christ to the manna of the Israelites was a “fresh one”. It must be renewed daily.
It’s interesting to note, that I have had these conversations with many people, basically, what was Jesus Christ trying to do? It also implies who He was. I see the Jesus Christ in the gospels, gathering a group of men around this hope that once the Old Covenant was fulfilled, and the Messiah ushers in the New Covenant, it will be an end of the world as they knew it. This good news produced such an excitement and controversy, which “turned the world upside-down. Many people seem to differ on what Jesus Christ was doing, which affects what we believe He is doing today. Way of life (life in New Covenant)- Religion (Old Covenant).
Christianity = the anti-religion!!!! But rather, “a radically alternative vision of the world and thus initiates an ensuing mission to change the world in order to fulfill that vision”.
A great quote, which is pretty much my testimony, was said in the book and I will hold on it forever!!! “…the strange and wonderful God-man has invaded our life with purpose and freshness”. Is that the Messiah you follow?
Now, the term RADICAL TRADITIONALISM, struck a strong chord in my mind, pretty much to the point of me trying to incorporate that term into the mission statement of Freaked-Out Fellowship. Radical Traditionalism is exactly where I am at in my walk with Christ, which is to return to the original way of Christ, but express it in our day. Terms like 21st Century Apostles, or even New Monasticism, are examples of radical traditionalism.
A big issue I see in most traditional churches today is the lack of mission. The lack of a common cause will mobilize no one. We must unite under a common cause, and be mobilized by it. That is what we see Jesus Christ doing with the apostles in the Word of God. I have spoken about this time and time again; my favorite passage in Matthew is Matthew chapter10, where we see Jesus sending out the apostles. How much better is our worship, services, fellowship, and reason for being when we are on mission??? My concern is how can we say that we have experienced the truth of the gospel or understand it, because mission is simply the outward impulse of the effects the gospel has on us as God’s people. Judge the tree by the fruit it bears??
So, with all of that said, let me conclude with the invite, are you ready to be involved in a radical movement, “the conspiracy of little Jesus’, why don’t you be the one to ignite a fire (figuratively) in your area, let’s go!!!
“If passion is eliminated, faith no longer exists”.
Love you all more and more, by the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ,
Michael Miano
Entering into the last couple chapters which focused on ReJesusing the organization we have come to call church, and we must ask ourselves, “Is this really what Jesus intended for His movement”?
A good equation for us to consider is
Christianity- Christ= Religion.
A great sociological explanation into what we are experiencing in the Church is a problem with routinization of charisma. This means that it is hard to channel the Charisma that Jesus Christ ushered into the movement we call- Christianity. Do I hear someone saying, “Lack of Spirit”? This is more the reason we must ReJesus, and re-encounter Christ daily. The comparison of Christ to the manna of the Israelites was a “fresh one”. It must be renewed daily.
It’s interesting to note, that I have had these conversations with many people, basically, what was Jesus Christ trying to do? It also implies who He was. I see the Jesus Christ in the gospels, gathering a group of men around this hope that once the Old Covenant was fulfilled, and the Messiah ushers in the New Covenant, it will be an end of the world as they knew it. This good news produced such an excitement and controversy, which “turned the world upside-down. Many people seem to differ on what Jesus Christ was doing, which affects what we believe He is doing today. Way of life (life in New Covenant)- Religion (Old Covenant).
Christianity = the anti-religion!!!! But rather, “a radically alternative vision of the world and thus initiates an ensuing mission to change the world in order to fulfill that vision”.
A great quote, which is pretty much my testimony, was said in the book and I will hold on it forever!!! “…the strange and wonderful God-man has invaded our life with purpose and freshness”. Is that the Messiah you follow?
Now, the term RADICAL TRADITIONALISM, struck a strong chord in my mind, pretty much to the point of me trying to incorporate that term into the mission statement of Freaked-Out Fellowship. Radical Traditionalism is exactly where I am at in my walk with Christ, which is to return to the original way of Christ, but express it in our day. Terms like 21st Century Apostles, or even New Monasticism, are examples of radical traditionalism.
A big issue I see in most traditional churches today is the lack of mission. The lack of a common cause will mobilize no one. We must unite under a common cause, and be mobilized by it. That is what we see Jesus Christ doing with the apostles in the Word of God. I have spoken about this time and time again; my favorite passage in Matthew is Matthew chapter10, where we see Jesus sending out the apostles. How much better is our worship, services, fellowship, and reason for being when we are on mission??? My concern is how can we say that we have experienced the truth of the gospel or understand it, because mission is simply the outward impulse of the effects the gospel has on us as God’s people. Judge the tree by the fruit it bears??
So, with all of that said, let me conclude with the invite, are you ready to be involved in a radical movement, “the conspiracy of little Jesus’, why don’t you be the one to ignite a fire (figuratively) in your area, let’s go!!!
“If passion is eliminated, faith no longer exists”.
Love you all more and more, by the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ,
Michael Miano
1st Century Church,
Jesus Freak,
part 2,
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
ReJesus - The Missional Church
I just finished reading ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, and I have to say it might just be another huge factor in my growth. The book has come at a pivotal part of my growth in life (Isn’t it awesome how God orchestrates things?).
Well, let me start with a personal point. When I first came to Christ, I was sent out and equipped to be a radical. Besides the fact that I was in a prison yard where Muslims, atheists, and agnostics ran rampant, brother Paul also let me know from the 1st moment I chose to follow Christ Jesus, that I was called and sent out to be an ambassador.
As of the latest development in my Christian walk, I have learned how to read the Bible in a way that makes perfect sense, truly in context. This has led me to embrace the Preterist doctrine. To be a little critical of what I have seen within some Preterist circles, I see a need to re-connect to the missional Messiah. Therefore, this awesome book could have come at no better a time.
The book starts with a great analogy. When a computer needs to be re-booted, it requires a complete do-over, and must go back to the beginning basic functions. Basically, in order to re-Jesus, we must go back to the basics (do I hear a call for Matthew chapters 5-7 anywhere? (smiles)).
A great quote which is so true in all areas of life and I couldn’t have said it better was: “Jesus is the center of all, the object of all, whoever does not know Him, knows nothing aright, either of the world or of himself” (Blasé Pascal). I can testify to that because before I came to the saving knowledge of Christ, life just didn’t seem to make much sense, but know as a Christian, every day I try to figure out how can the world make sense to those who are stuck in it????
The book goes on to remind us of who Jesus Christ is in the gospels, without us fashioning Him into our images (they even showed pictures of different “Jesus’, and quotes from the movie Talladega Nights, ha ha “Jesus is not a baby anymore!!”.).
“There is no doubt that we face a SPIRITUAL, THEOLOGICAL, MISSIONAL, AND EXISTENTIAL CRISIS in the West”. Anyone disagree? Consider the million and one denominations, why??? Consider the loss of the radical rabbi/ messiah Jesus Christ.
Another astonishing fact about the book was that the authors mixed many of the different mentors/ authors and concepts that I have been admiring a lot lately. For example Shane Claiborne, Erwin McManus, Walter Bruggerman “prophetic imagination”, and some others. I do not consider it a coincidence that these are all linked minds; rather I believe we are onto something here my friends.
“The conspiracy of little Jesus’”- I have come to adore that term, because that’s exactly what Christianity should be called. That’s exactly what I had in mind when the vision for Freaked-Out Fellowship came into play. Just picture it, little Jesus’ all around, everywhere in our neighborhoods starting little revolutions in public and in private lives. The comparison to V for Vendetta was good as well.
I enjoyed the motto of the 3 Latin terms, imago Dei, participate Christo, and mission Dei. = could be said to be the essence of Christianity.
Quoting from Robert McAfree Brown, “Our task is to create foretastes of the Kingdom of God on this planet-living glimpse of what life is meant to be…” Great quote, although as a preterist, I believe we are living in the kingdom of God, which means to presents of the living God with us now, and a fulfilled Old Covenant. Our fulfilled hope is a reality that Christ is ever present with us, and we can live in His presence without priests or artifacts.
Imago Dei, was brought to a new vision for me, especially as an evangelist. Considering that we are all made in the image of God, and some have allowed that to fade by letting this world captivate them, our goal is to identify the image of the Creator in all people, and tease it out. Wow! Talk about being on mission! “I desire to be the man who restores these lost children to God”!
As I read through the book and considered the quote “God is the one who conquers…by capturing the imagination…” I thought about how God has gifted me with a vast imagination. Considering the New Monastic adventures, cross-carrying, sackcloth, denominational studies, etc- these have all been ReJesus moments in my life. That is what we need, constant renewal to the reality of Jesus Christ. Pretty much, a renewal of discipleship, and an enactment of 21st century apostles (Acting Out ACTS anyone?).
The book goes on to direct attention at the institutional church, and how scary it must be to go back to Jesus Christ. The founder of this entire revolution. A lot must change and it is much noticeable that many church leaders will not want to go back to the original because they fear “the whole edifice might crumble”. Well, I guess that battle is are you following Christ or not???
Well, I think that is enough. Honestly, these are only half of my notes from the book. Yes, they and I have that much to say. But maybe another blog soon or contact me and we can talk. My goal is not to write about it, but rather to begin the “conspiracy of little Jesus’, locally and abroad!
Love you all, thanks for reading this lengthy blog!
God bless, through the mighty blood of Christ Jesus,
Michael Miano
PS- please consider supporting my trip to Israel/ Palestine
Well, let me start with a personal point. When I first came to Christ, I was sent out and equipped to be a radical. Besides the fact that I was in a prison yard where Muslims, atheists, and agnostics ran rampant, brother Paul also let me know from the 1st moment I chose to follow Christ Jesus, that I was called and sent out to be an ambassador.
As of the latest development in my Christian walk, I have learned how to read the Bible in a way that makes perfect sense, truly in context. This has led me to embrace the Preterist doctrine. To be a little critical of what I have seen within some Preterist circles, I see a need to re-connect to the missional Messiah. Therefore, this awesome book could have come at no better a time.
The book starts with a great analogy. When a computer needs to be re-booted, it requires a complete do-over, and must go back to the beginning basic functions. Basically, in order to re-Jesus, we must go back to the basics (do I hear a call for Matthew chapters 5-7 anywhere? (smiles)).
A great quote which is so true in all areas of life and I couldn’t have said it better was: “Jesus is the center of all, the object of all, whoever does not know Him, knows nothing aright, either of the world or of himself” (Blasé Pascal). I can testify to that because before I came to the saving knowledge of Christ, life just didn’t seem to make much sense, but know as a Christian, every day I try to figure out how can the world make sense to those who are stuck in it????
The book goes on to remind us of who Jesus Christ is in the gospels, without us fashioning Him into our images (they even showed pictures of different “Jesus’, and quotes from the movie Talladega Nights, ha ha “Jesus is not a baby anymore!!”.).
“There is no doubt that we face a SPIRITUAL, THEOLOGICAL, MISSIONAL, AND EXISTENTIAL CRISIS in the West”. Anyone disagree? Consider the million and one denominations, why??? Consider the loss of the radical rabbi/ messiah Jesus Christ.
Another astonishing fact about the book was that the authors mixed many of the different mentors/ authors and concepts that I have been admiring a lot lately. For example Shane Claiborne, Erwin McManus, Walter Bruggerman “prophetic imagination”, and some others. I do not consider it a coincidence that these are all linked minds; rather I believe we are onto something here my friends.
“The conspiracy of little Jesus’”- I have come to adore that term, because that’s exactly what Christianity should be called. That’s exactly what I had in mind when the vision for Freaked-Out Fellowship came into play. Just picture it, little Jesus’ all around, everywhere in our neighborhoods starting little revolutions in public and in private lives. The comparison to V for Vendetta was good as well.
I enjoyed the motto of the 3 Latin terms, imago Dei, participate Christo, and mission Dei. = could be said to be the essence of Christianity.
Quoting from Robert McAfree Brown, “Our task is to create foretastes of the Kingdom of God on this planet-living glimpse of what life is meant to be…” Great quote, although as a preterist, I believe we are living in the kingdom of God, which means to presents of the living God with us now, and a fulfilled Old Covenant. Our fulfilled hope is a reality that Christ is ever present with us, and we can live in His presence without priests or artifacts.
Imago Dei, was brought to a new vision for me, especially as an evangelist. Considering that we are all made in the image of God, and some have allowed that to fade by letting this world captivate them, our goal is to identify the image of the Creator in all people, and tease it out. Wow! Talk about being on mission! “I desire to be the man who restores these lost children to God”!
As I read through the book and considered the quote “God is the one who conquers…by capturing the imagination…” I thought about how God has gifted me with a vast imagination. Considering the New Monastic adventures, cross-carrying, sackcloth, denominational studies, etc- these have all been ReJesus moments in my life. That is what we need, constant renewal to the reality of Jesus Christ. Pretty much, a renewal of discipleship, and an enactment of 21st century apostles (Acting Out ACTS anyone?).
The book goes on to direct attention at the institutional church, and how scary it must be to go back to Jesus Christ. The founder of this entire revolution. A lot must change and it is much noticeable that many church leaders will not want to go back to the original because they fear “the whole edifice might crumble”. Well, I guess that battle is are you following Christ or not???
Well, I think that is enough. Honestly, these are only half of my notes from the book. Yes, they and I have that much to say. But maybe another blog soon or contact me and we can talk. My goal is not to write about it, but rather to begin the “conspiracy of little Jesus’, locally and abroad!
Love you all, thanks for reading this lengthy blog!
God bless, through the mighty blood of Christ Jesus,
Michael Miano
PS- please consider supporting my trip to Israel/ Palestine
Jesus Freak,
Monday, May 24, 2010
Life as a Pilgrim
Well, this Sunday was a blessing. Annie, my co-conspirator in “turning the world upside-down”, and I went and did some open air readings from the Word of God, and had good discussion time- that’s what I call Church! The night before, I did some studying and really going through my mind and heart, and couldn’t get the topic of “pilgrim” out of my mind (this may have had a lot to do with my reading the Pilgrim’s Progress by Paul Bunyan earlier in the week).
So, I did as I usually do and researched. Conspire magazine is now online (http://www.conspiremagazine.com/) and sure enough this month’s topic was Pilgrimage. Wow!
A Pilgrim is described as someone who is in search of home. This caused me to think a bit, first off we know that the Word describes our home as a heavenly one (Hebrews chapters 11-13), also we are told to live as pilgrims.
So with that said, I began to dig a bit deeper. What really are we in search of? “Seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew chapter 5)”. Psalms 84:5- says that blessed is him whose heart is set on pilgrimage. Well, since I am not on pilgrimage for Jerusalem or Mecca, what really should be captivating me?
Our heavenly city as described in the book of Revelation is the presence of God. The presence of God is the kingdom of God. In Hebrews we read that the saints endured all kinds of torture to obtain and invite others; to this new city, thus the presence of God.
Being me, and being critical of all things, I still wanted to dig a bit deeper. How can I express this is my life, how can I explain and be an ambassador of this kingdom, if I don’t know the characteristics and how to define it??
Reading through Shane Claiborne’s book- Jesus for President (an awesome depiction of what life is like in the kingdom of God); I was loving the chapter titled: A Peculiar Party. He said, “we need to be about discovering lost relatives and forgotten ancestors”.
I thought that made a great point. As Christians we need to realize that we must begin to explain and re-iterate the kingdom of God properly. In our society, what do most conversations consist of- family, friends, activities, views, …that’s pretty much it. So how do we explain or world?
THE SAME WAY! Tell about our family in Christ, our holy days, our activities, etc…
This just once again puts into thought my vision of Christians as master storytellers, just like our Savior.
Let our pilgrimage be expressions of His presence.
So, I did as I usually do and researched. Conspire magazine is now online (http://www.conspiremagazine.com/) and sure enough this month’s topic was Pilgrimage. Wow!
A Pilgrim is described as someone who is in search of home. This caused me to think a bit, first off we know that the Word describes our home as a heavenly one (Hebrews chapters 11-13), also we are told to live as pilgrims.
So with that said, I began to dig a bit deeper. What really are we in search of? “Seek first the kingdom of God (Matthew chapter 5)”. Psalms 84:5- says that blessed is him whose heart is set on pilgrimage. Well, since I am not on pilgrimage for Jerusalem or Mecca, what really should be captivating me?
Our heavenly city as described in the book of Revelation is the presence of God. The presence of God is the kingdom of God. In Hebrews we read that the saints endured all kinds of torture to obtain and invite others; to this new city, thus the presence of God.
Being me, and being critical of all things, I still wanted to dig a bit deeper. How can I express this is my life, how can I explain and be an ambassador of this kingdom, if I don’t know the characteristics and how to define it??
Reading through Shane Claiborne’s book- Jesus for President (an awesome depiction of what life is like in the kingdom of God); I was loving the chapter titled: A Peculiar Party. He said, “we need to be about discovering lost relatives and forgotten ancestors”.
I thought that made a great point. As Christians we need to realize that we must begin to explain and re-iterate the kingdom of God properly. In our society, what do most conversations consist of- family, friends, activities, views, …that’s pretty much it. So how do we explain or world?
THE SAME WAY! Tell about our family in Christ, our holy days, our activities, etc…
This just once again puts into thought my vision of Christians as master storytellers, just like our Savior.
Let our pilgrimage be expressions of His presence.
Christ Jesus,
Kingdom of God,
shane claiborne
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Some thoughts...
Well, I really enjoyed last week’s blog, so it was hard for me to want to write another one. I figured, if I had one thing to say to the world or even more so to the Body of Christ, it would be to exercise prophetic imagination, so why continue???
Well, I am learning over and over that life is a journey of learning, and I guess that is what makes is exciting. Once we stop learning or think we got it all together, we are doomed.
So the reading I have just finished was my pastor’s book – Reading the Bible with New Covenant Eyes (author- Alan Bondar). This was a great read, and provided much insight into my latest doctrine framework of – Full Preterism.
I wanted to share some thoughts………
A great analogy that Alan used in the book was the story of Galileo Galilee. If you are not too familiar with that name I will explain a bit. Now Galileo was a “scientist” who proposed a new finding about the way we looked at the universe. In the 1600’s it was assumed that the sun stars, etc revolved around the earth (Ptolemaic theory of geocentrism). What Galileo proposed was the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, which said that everything revolved around the sun. Well this was heresy, in science and church, IT CONTRADICTED THE BIBLE!! Or did it????
One part I found quite amusing (oh and yes, I went and looked it up after Alan mentioned it; you all should know me by now!!).I was amused by the fact that some scientists wouldn’t even consider looking through the telescope at his findings, oh Lord how stubborn we are. I truly do believe that once we think we got it all together, we have dumbed ourselves down.
Now why am I ranting about this?? Well, that situation is a lot of how we approach Biblical doctrine. We fail to look through the telescope at views that could very well be right, but we feel we got it all together. Where is the humility??
I would strongly urge all to pick up a copy of Alan’s book and read it, yes you can read it with critical eyes, I am sure Alan would approve, but in the end – the earth will revolve around the sun.
Also, as I have been delving into a full preterist understanding, I am realizing how much the prophetic imagination is needed. Since our hope has been fulfilled, and we are surrounded by a world living in desperation, how do we spread this hope? We all know what the Word of God says about hope deferred don’t we? Well how can we help a lost world understand that hope is PRESENT?? = PROPHETIC IMAGINATION!!!
“a very dangerous thing, likely not only to irritate all scholastic philosophers and theologians, but also to harm the Holy Faith by rendering Scripture false”. – Oh boy, we need not be as “stubborn as an asp”.
In love and joy- of a fulfilled hope,
Michael Miano
Well, I am learning over and over that life is a journey of learning, and I guess that is what makes is exciting. Once we stop learning or think we got it all together, we are doomed.
So the reading I have just finished was my pastor’s book – Reading the Bible with New Covenant Eyes (author- Alan Bondar). This was a great read, and provided much insight into my latest doctrine framework of – Full Preterism.
I wanted to share some thoughts………
A great analogy that Alan used in the book was the story of Galileo Galilee. If you are not too familiar with that name I will explain a bit. Now Galileo was a “scientist” who proposed a new finding about the way we looked at the universe. In the 1600’s it was assumed that the sun stars, etc revolved around the earth (Ptolemaic theory of geocentrism). What Galileo proposed was the heliocentric theory of Copernicus, which said that everything revolved around the sun. Well this was heresy, in science and church, IT CONTRADICTED THE BIBLE!! Or did it????
One part I found quite amusing (oh and yes, I went and looked it up after Alan mentioned it; you all should know me by now!!).I was amused by the fact that some scientists wouldn’t even consider looking through the telescope at his findings, oh Lord how stubborn we are. I truly do believe that once we think we got it all together, we have dumbed ourselves down.
Now why am I ranting about this?? Well, that situation is a lot of how we approach Biblical doctrine. We fail to look through the telescope at views that could very well be right, but we feel we got it all together. Where is the humility??
I would strongly urge all to pick up a copy of Alan’s book and read it, yes you can read it with critical eyes, I am sure Alan would approve, but in the end – the earth will revolve around the sun.
Also, as I have been delving into a full preterist understanding, I am realizing how much the prophetic imagination is needed. Since our hope has been fulfilled, and we are surrounded by a world living in desperation, how do we spread this hope? We all know what the Word of God says about hope deferred don’t we? Well how can we help a lost world understand that hope is PRESENT?? = PROPHETIC IMAGINATION!!!
“a very dangerous thing, likely not only to irritate all scholastic philosophers and theologians, but also to harm the Holy Faith by rendering Scripture false”. – Oh boy, we need not be as “stubborn as an asp”.
In love and joy- of a fulfilled hope,
Michael Miano
galileo galilee,
new covenant eyes,
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Exercise: Prophetic Imagination
As a Jesus Freak, I think using our “prophetic imagination” is vital. I read Shane Claiborne’s book- Jesus for President, and the way he described how various Christians and communities are using this gifting, inspired me! Learning and understanding the “prophetic imagination” confirmed what was going on within my Spirit, and helped me better explain what I feel called to do.
Anyways, I just finished reading The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann. A great read!
To give a quick definition of what I understand the prophetic imagination to be, it is simply, using our minds to express the message that burns within us the same way the prophets of old did. Consider Isaiah walking naked to prophesy against Egypt (Isaiah chapter 20), Ezekiel cooked with human feces to display a message, and even our Messiah ransacked the temple which was being abused...Why? To get the message across!
“Concrete, passionate, and imaginative, prophetic in its form, prophetic speech is nonetheless “a sharp sword”, conveying a vision “designed to shock rather than edify”. Moderation is a delusion, and only extremists are in touch with reality”. Wow that puts things quote bold, I mean truly though, How much does this message (the Gospel) burden you or even more just fill you with so much joy you cannot help but be “freaked-out”??
Here goes a quote that confirms me (laughs) “...prophetic must be imaginative because it is urgently out beyond the ordinary and reasonable”.
Church- “…a community of peculiar discourse with practices of memory, hope, and pain that keep healthy human life available in the face of all the “virtual reality” now on offer in dominant culture”.
“The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture”. - Prophetic imagination isn’t about specific issues but more so the awakening of the people of Christ to WAKE UP.We have become way too domesticated. CALLED TO- CRITICIZE THE CONCIOUSNESS, AND ENERGIZE THE PEOPLE!!!(We have eternal life and even more, the presence of God).
To energize is to provide hope, look at the old covenant and then look at what the new covenant through Christ Jesus offers. Do I need to energize us at all? What is our hope in?
Even as I read through my notes, I am being energized by the radical way of Jesus Christ. Is that what we exhibit? The book continually terms it “alternative”; I sit and think, what alternative are we offering to the world? What do they see through us, the body of Christ?
The book says it well; anyone that knows me knows that I am a bit of a rebel. I love the word and anything associated with it. A good point the book makes though, is that we are not going against any certain thing, but rather the false consciousness that is being given by dominant society (and I hate to break it to many, but that could even mean mainstream church, yes I said it).
A good contrast the book makes is between the Solomonic transformation if Israel and similarly how we can see it through the Constantine rule of the church. We have been watered down! Yes, I’m yelling it, can you hear me??
Criticize present= energized future!
“…imagination is danger. Thus every totalitarian regime is frightened of the artist. It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination”. ATTENTION FELLOW MINISTRY LEADERS!!! WE WONDER WHY PEOPLE ARE NOT DOING MINISTRY, OR ARENT LEAVING THE PEWS DOING ANYTHING. WE MUST TEACH THEM- IMAGINE AND ARTICULATE!!
“…where passion disappears there will not be any serious humanizing energy”.
“What a commission it is to express a future that none think imaginable”- the call of a Christian! I am not of this world, with my God, all things are possible!
“The actions of Jesus are a scandal, for they violate propriety, reason, and good public order”- Make a Scene for the Lord!!!
A NEW POSSIBILITY- “The alternative community is to be shaped from the poor, hungry, and grieving is called to DISENGAGE FROM THE WOE PATTERN OF LIFE to end that other ordering, and TO EMBRACE THE BLESSING PATTERN”.
Our hope? The use of our imaginative consciousness, energy, and passion to “turn this world upside-down”, this makes all things possible, a whole new way to the obvious misery and incompleteness of the things of this world.
Well thanks for reading through this. Now if you ever have any questions about me, Michael Miano or Freaked-Out Fellowship, you can refer to this post. Well explained. Also, I would once again like to make mention of Shane Claiborne’s book – Jesus for President! A great example of prophetic imagination.
With knowledge of Him, and passion in pursuit of Him,
Michael Miano
Anyways, I just finished reading The Prophetic Imagination by Walter Brueggemann. A great read!
To give a quick definition of what I understand the prophetic imagination to be, it is simply, using our minds to express the message that burns within us the same way the prophets of old did. Consider Isaiah walking naked to prophesy against Egypt (Isaiah chapter 20), Ezekiel cooked with human feces to display a message, and even our Messiah ransacked the temple which was being abused...Why? To get the message across!
“Concrete, passionate, and imaginative, prophetic in its form, prophetic speech is nonetheless “a sharp sword”, conveying a vision “designed to shock rather than edify”. Moderation is a delusion, and only extremists are in touch with reality”. Wow that puts things quote bold, I mean truly though, How much does this message (the Gospel) burden you or even more just fill you with so much joy you cannot help but be “freaked-out”??
Here goes a quote that confirms me (laughs) “...prophetic must be imaginative because it is urgently out beyond the ordinary and reasonable”.
Church- “…a community of peculiar discourse with practices of memory, hope, and pain that keep healthy human life available in the face of all the “virtual reality” now on offer in dominant culture”.
“The task of prophetic ministry is to nurture, nourish, and evoke a consciousness and perception alternative to the consciousness and perception of the dominant culture”. - Prophetic imagination isn’t about specific issues but more so the awakening of the people of Christ to WAKE UP.We have become way too domesticated. CALLED TO- CRITICIZE THE CONCIOUSNESS, AND ENERGIZE THE PEOPLE!!!(We have eternal life and even more, the presence of God).
To energize is to provide hope, look at the old covenant and then look at what the new covenant through Christ Jesus offers. Do I need to energize us at all? What is our hope in?
Even as I read through my notes, I am being energized by the radical way of Jesus Christ. Is that what we exhibit? The book continually terms it “alternative”; I sit and think, what alternative are we offering to the world? What do they see through us, the body of Christ?
The book says it well; anyone that knows me knows that I am a bit of a rebel. I love the word and anything associated with it. A good point the book makes though, is that we are not going against any certain thing, but rather the false consciousness that is being given by dominant society (and I hate to break it to many, but that could even mean mainstream church, yes I said it).
A good contrast the book makes is between the Solomonic transformation if Israel and similarly how we can see it through the Constantine rule of the church. We have been watered down! Yes, I’m yelling it, can you hear me??
Criticize present= energized future!
“…imagination is danger. Thus every totalitarian regime is frightened of the artist. It is the vocation of the prophet to keep alive the ministry of imagination”. ATTENTION FELLOW MINISTRY LEADERS!!! WE WONDER WHY PEOPLE ARE NOT DOING MINISTRY, OR ARENT LEAVING THE PEWS DOING ANYTHING. WE MUST TEACH THEM- IMAGINE AND ARTICULATE!!
“…where passion disappears there will not be any serious humanizing energy”.
“What a commission it is to express a future that none think imaginable”- the call of a Christian! I am not of this world, with my God, all things are possible!
“The actions of Jesus are a scandal, for they violate propriety, reason, and good public order”- Make a Scene for the Lord!!!
A NEW POSSIBILITY- “The alternative community is to be shaped from the poor, hungry, and grieving is called to DISENGAGE FROM THE WOE PATTERN OF LIFE to end that other ordering, and TO EMBRACE THE BLESSING PATTERN”.
Our hope? The use of our imaginative consciousness, energy, and passion to “turn this world upside-down”, this makes all things possible, a whole new way to the obvious misery and incompleteness of the things of this world.
Well thanks for reading through this. Now if you ever have any questions about me, Michael Miano or Freaked-Out Fellowship, you can refer to this post. Well explained. Also, I would once again like to make mention of Shane Claiborne’s book – Jesus for President! A great example of prophetic imagination.
With knowledge of Him, and passion in pursuit of Him,
Michael Miano
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Preterist??
As of last week, Freaked-Out Fellowship became a ministry within Messiah Reformed Church. Messiah Reformed Church (http://www.messiahreformed.com) is a reformed preterist church led by pastor Alan Bondar. That is basically to say that the church is sola-scriptura (scripture-alone) and believes in past fulfillment of all the Biblical prophecies. Yes, including the second coming of Jesus Christ in 70 A.D.
This is likely to cause a stir, therefore I would like to explain a bit of how I have come to a preterist understanding.
I met pastor Alan Bondar about 6-7 months ago in a casual encounter at the mall. We talked and became friends, eventually he explained his understanding of Christianity, and YES, I thought he was crazy. My goal from there on out was to prove that his loony view that Jesus Christ had come back was crazy and without scriptural proof.
Our beginning conversations began with Alan asking me what do I believe happens to us when we die. I realized that I had a view but wasn’t really sure on the scripture basis, therefore this sent me for my first of many dives into the Word to figure out the scriptures that shape my understanding. After asking many pastoral church leaders, and searching for answers (like the Bereans) I came to a soul sleep view, somewhat similar to Hades. I will not go into much detail here but if you are interested in that study let me know.
AS I began to meet with Alan, and eventually visit his church, I began to “read the Bible through new covenant eyes” (also the title of Alan Bondar’s new book). I realized that there are many scriptures in the Word of God that have been unanswered for me and also glazed over in most “context” churches. Also, Biblical interpretation is an issue, and audience relevancy is a serious matter in Biblical Hermeneutics. The Biblical letters and writings were written for a certain people in a certain time (that is context!!), yet it is “for teaching, for conviction, for setting aright, for instruction that is in righteousness”.
AS of lately, just wresting through scriptures I have asked some friends for their opinions, and a re-occuring theme is “why does it matter”. Well, I know there are many churches out there that treat eschatology (end-times) as just an add on factor of our faith, but that is crazy! Does Truth matter? If the estimates of 2/3 of the Bible is prophecy concerning end-times I would say it definetly does matter. Lately, I have realized that our salvation is dependant upon escatology. How much salvation do you have? What is your understanding of the “presence of God”? These things matter! Also, who is Israel (which always seems to open the floor for debate)? What is the kingdom of God?
As far as Freaked-Out Fellowship, we will not change our focus. As far as spreading the gospel through prophetic imagination, the understanding of a preterist worldview actually makes our hope that much stronger. A proper understanding of salvation and the promises of our awesome God, makes being “freaked-out” that much more easies, and Spirit-led.
Here is the mission statement of Messiah Reformed Church- “Messiah Reformed Church exists to glorify God
by pursuing and sharing our joy through the knowledge of Him.”
Combining that with the motto of Freaked-Out Fellowship, “turning the world upside-down”, makes perfect sense. Why? It is our understanding of Jesus Christ and what He did for us, that gives us a joy worth sharing (Good News).
I can imagine that most people will have questions and concerns, and I would love to dicuss these things with you in much more detail, so please feel free to email or call me.
In His service, by His love,
Michael Miano
The time is near ; Yes I am coming soon ... Revelation 22:10-12
This is likely to cause a stir, therefore I would like to explain a bit of how I have come to a preterist understanding.
I met pastor Alan Bondar about 6-7 months ago in a casual encounter at the mall. We talked and became friends, eventually he explained his understanding of Christianity, and YES, I thought he was crazy. My goal from there on out was to prove that his loony view that Jesus Christ had come back was crazy and without scriptural proof.
Our beginning conversations began with Alan asking me what do I believe happens to us when we die. I realized that I had a view but wasn’t really sure on the scripture basis, therefore this sent me for my first of many dives into the Word to figure out the scriptures that shape my understanding. After asking many pastoral church leaders, and searching for answers (like the Bereans) I came to a soul sleep view, somewhat similar to Hades. I will not go into much detail here but if you are interested in that study let me know.
AS I began to meet with Alan, and eventually visit his church, I began to “read the Bible through new covenant eyes” (also the title of Alan Bondar’s new book). I realized that there are many scriptures in the Word of God that have been unanswered for me and also glazed over in most “context” churches. Also, Biblical interpretation is an issue, and audience relevancy is a serious matter in Biblical Hermeneutics. The Biblical letters and writings were written for a certain people in a certain time (that is context!!), yet it is “for teaching, for conviction, for setting aright, for instruction that is in righteousness”.
AS of lately, just wresting through scriptures I have asked some friends for their opinions, and a re-occuring theme is “why does it matter”. Well, I know there are many churches out there that treat eschatology (end-times) as just an add on factor of our faith, but that is crazy! Does Truth matter? If the estimates of 2/3 of the Bible is prophecy concerning end-times I would say it definetly does matter. Lately, I have realized that our salvation is dependant upon escatology. How much salvation do you have? What is your understanding of the “presence of God”? These things matter! Also, who is Israel (which always seems to open the floor for debate)? What is the kingdom of God?
As far as Freaked-Out Fellowship, we will not change our focus. As far as spreading the gospel through prophetic imagination, the understanding of a preterist worldview actually makes our hope that much stronger. A proper understanding of salvation and the promises of our awesome God, makes being “freaked-out” that much more easies, and Spirit-led.
Here is the mission statement of Messiah Reformed Church- “Messiah Reformed Church exists to glorify God
by pursuing and sharing our joy through the knowledge of Him.”
Combining that with the motto of Freaked-Out Fellowship, “turning the world upside-down”, makes perfect sense. Why? It is our understanding of Jesus Christ and what He did for us, that gives us a joy worth sharing (Good News).
I can imagine that most people will have questions and concerns, and I would love to dicuss these things with you in much more detail, so please feel free to email or call me.
In His service, by His love,
Michael Miano
The time is near ; Yes I am coming soon ... Revelation 22:10-12
End times,
messiah reformed church,
self examination
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A Month of Monasticism
Well, I know the month is not quite over yet but I chose to tell you about my “monk experience” for the month of March a bit early (plus I know some people who are interested in hearing my summed up views from the New Monastic Schools for Conversion).
To briefly explain my monthly endeavor, I experimented with monasticism both ancient and new. Ancient monasticism is the retreat of dedicated men of God for prayer and solitude. I came under the authority of the Rule of Monk Preston from The Knights of Prayer, Prayer Foundation. Obviously, monasticism is centered on prayer. The basic concept would be scripture memorization and recitation, prayer, and structured daily routine (which includes the divine hours and work).
At the start, I was excited for this structure and routine, pretty much anticipated the challenge (and yes, I looked forward to the outfit that I had to wear “a habit”.) Honestly, the overall idea I had in my mind didn’t work out the way I had anticipated, as a man of God with the heart of an evangelist, I wanted to do more outreach as a monk, so that was a bit of the disappointment (but fair to say it came with a lesson, doesn’t it always?).
Ok, so I traveled as a monk to Evanston Ill., to attend the Schools for Conversion conference at Reba Place Fellowship. Exciting trip to say in the least.
Now I will tell you about my time at the conference. Reba Place fellowship has a lot of rich history, and has been around since the 50’s. The overall concept of New Monasticism is to live in community, pretty much to experiment with what we read from the book of Acts. It is hard to sum up what I learned from this experience, since it had a big impact of my thoughts of New Monasticism and my personal walk with Christ.
In order to keep this short, I am not going to write detail by detail concerning the visit to Reba Place Fellowship, if you want to know my details ask. My goal is to express what I learned.
As far as what I expected from my visit to Reba Place Fellowship, I cannot seem to clearly reiterate but admittedly it was not was I had expected. When I arrived an older man from Reba Place and I had a great conversation, that would inevitable help me grow and affect my views of things. He said in paraphrase “we have to be careful of our ideals, it seems that idealism is taking a big place and that is not what this is about, and ultimately this will lead to disappointment”. That was so true! As we read through the 12 Marks of New Monasticism and discussed different views of Christianity as a way of life (ex. - You Must Be Born Again…and Again and Again) I remember reading a part that talked about the ideals that fail us. The direct quote that convicted me was, “…what would have been different if your primary commitment had been to love the people in the place where you worshipped”. That made me think, how many times have my personal ideals about what we should be doing as the church, or what the church should look like, how many times have these affected the love I have been commanded to have for my brothers and sisters, my neighbor, or even my enemy? As Dietrich Bonheoffer said “The greatest enemy to community is our ideal of community”.
Also, a big factor of New Monasticism is to live in close proximity to others within the body of Christ, at least local congregations. I had agreed wholeheartedly with that concept and still do, but after thinking about it as I was in the community, I realized that the bond I have with some people who I meet with weekly or bi-weekly, is community. We don’t have to necessarily live together or even on the same block. So, Gabriella can rest at ease that I am not going to ask her to move in with 3 other families right away (ha ha, maybe not yet at least).
A great factor of Reba Place Fellowship was the diversity in the people, both young and old, male, female, and many different personalities. Also, what has been termed “theological diversity” was very active. From Episcopalians to Mennonites, to radicals to reformed tradition which was awesome and truly demonstrated the culture of love and grace, that New Monasticism, or rather Jesus Christ represents.
Well, my overall thought was the missional concept though. I didn’t really feel the missional, evangelistic attitude was that prevalent at Reba Place Fellowship. I am not sure if that is such a theme in the New Monasticism view, but I felt that things should be much more missional. Reading through Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution, I got the feeling he was very missional in his attitude, but I am aware of his view of “come and see”. It is my hope that the views of New Monasticism become very strong in my generation, but also with a spice of the missional church views.
That pretty much summed up my thoughts. Also, I would like to share a brief journal entry I wrote as I left Reba Place Fellowship.
“3/22/10- Today, I am leaving Reba Place Fellowship, Schools for Conversion. I guess I did go with some expectations that I did not find. I find myself in a sort of negative funk today. Like, “what is this all about? What am I doing?”
Since January I have been going through my experiments in truth (**currently reading the Autobiography of Mohandas Gandhi, who was the master at this concept). This month has been a study into monasticism (both old and new).
As I was walking and thinking, I just began to ask myself, “Who am I, what does God want me to do, etc”. (You know the “seasonal” self examination).
STAND-STILL (“I am at a standstill) has been on my mind lately. Praying over that line as I walked, I heard that low whisper “be still and know that I am God”. Also, other things that have popped into mind are:
-What P.A. told me about just being Mike, the outreach guy who relates to people
- Future with Gabriella (some normalcy to my life).
-Missionary (we are all missionaries, but in the strongest sense, is that me?)
-Pastoral calling
-Starbucks meetings with Annie.
-Jesus People USA
So therefore, what is my next season?"
Thanks for reading. Hope it was a blessing! Look forward to your feedback!
Love and blessings, for the glory of Him,
Michael Miano
To briefly explain my monthly endeavor, I experimented with monasticism both ancient and new. Ancient monasticism is the retreat of dedicated men of God for prayer and solitude. I came under the authority of the Rule of Monk Preston from The Knights of Prayer, Prayer Foundation. Obviously, monasticism is centered on prayer. The basic concept would be scripture memorization and recitation, prayer, and structured daily routine (which includes the divine hours and work).
At the start, I was excited for this structure and routine, pretty much anticipated the challenge (and yes, I looked forward to the outfit that I had to wear “a habit”.) Honestly, the overall idea I had in my mind didn’t work out the way I had anticipated, as a man of God with the heart of an evangelist, I wanted to do more outreach as a monk, so that was a bit of the disappointment (but fair to say it came with a lesson, doesn’t it always?).
Ok, so I traveled as a monk to Evanston Ill., to attend the Schools for Conversion conference at Reba Place Fellowship. Exciting trip to say in the least.
Now I will tell you about my time at the conference. Reba Place fellowship has a lot of rich history, and has been around since the 50’s. The overall concept of New Monasticism is to live in community, pretty much to experiment with what we read from the book of Acts. It is hard to sum up what I learned from this experience, since it had a big impact of my thoughts of New Monasticism and my personal walk with Christ.
In order to keep this short, I am not going to write detail by detail concerning the visit to Reba Place Fellowship, if you want to know my details ask. My goal is to express what I learned.
As far as what I expected from my visit to Reba Place Fellowship, I cannot seem to clearly reiterate but admittedly it was not was I had expected. When I arrived an older man from Reba Place and I had a great conversation, that would inevitable help me grow and affect my views of things. He said in paraphrase “we have to be careful of our ideals, it seems that idealism is taking a big place and that is not what this is about, and ultimately this will lead to disappointment”. That was so true! As we read through the 12 Marks of New Monasticism and discussed different views of Christianity as a way of life (ex. - You Must Be Born Again…and Again and Again) I remember reading a part that talked about the ideals that fail us. The direct quote that convicted me was, “…what would have been different if your primary commitment had been to love the people in the place where you worshipped”. That made me think, how many times have my personal ideals about what we should be doing as the church, or what the church should look like, how many times have these affected the love I have been commanded to have for my brothers and sisters, my neighbor, or even my enemy? As Dietrich Bonheoffer said “The greatest enemy to community is our ideal of community”.
Also, a big factor of New Monasticism is to live in close proximity to others within the body of Christ, at least local congregations. I had agreed wholeheartedly with that concept and still do, but after thinking about it as I was in the community, I realized that the bond I have with some people who I meet with weekly or bi-weekly, is community. We don’t have to necessarily live together or even on the same block. So, Gabriella can rest at ease that I am not going to ask her to move in with 3 other families right away (ha ha, maybe not yet at least).
A great factor of Reba Place Fellowship was the diversity in the people, both young and old, male, female, and many different personalities. Also, what has been termed “theological diversity” was very active. From Episcopalians to Mennonites, to radicals to reformed tradition which was awesome and truly demonstrated the culture of love and grace, that New Monasticism, or rather Jesus Christ represents.
Well, my overall thought was the missional concept though. I didn’t really feel the missional, evangelistic attitude was that prevalent at Reba Place Fellowship. I am not sure if that is such a theme in the New Monasticism view, but I felt that things should be much more missional. Reading through Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution, I got the feeling he was very missional in his attitude, but I am aware of his view of “come and see”. It is my hope that the views of New Monasticism become very strong in my generation, but also with a spice of the missional church views.
That pretty much summed up my thoughts. Also, I would like to share a brief journal entry I wrote as I left Reba Place Fellowship.
“3/22/10- Today, I am leaving Reba Place Fellowship, Schools for Conversion. I guess I did go with some expectations that I did not find. I find myself in a sort of negative funk today. Like, “what is this all about? What am I doing?”
Since January I have been going through my experiments in truth (**currently reading the Autobiography of Mohandas Gandhi, who was the master at this concept). This month has been a study into monasticism (both old and new).
As I was walking and thinking, I just began to ask myself, “Who am I, what does God want me to do, etc”. (You know the “seasonal” self examination).
STAND-STILL (“I am at a standstill) has been on my mind lately. Praying over that line as I walked, I heard that low whisper “be still and know that I am God”. Also, other things that have popped into mind are:
-What P.A. told me about just being Mike, the outreach guy who relates to people
- Future with Gabriella (some normalcy to my life).
-Missionary (we are all missionaries, but in the strongest sense, is that me?)
-Pastoral calling
-Starbucks meetings with Annie.
-Jesus People USA
So therefore, what is my next season?"
Thanks for reading. Hope it was a blessing! Look forward to your feedback!
Love and blessings, for the glory of Him,
Michael Miano
Monday, March 15, 2010
Contemptus Mundi
For the month of March I have been studying Monasticism. I have committed myself to dressing like a monk, praying like a monk (which is very extensive and hard to follow rigidly), and studying a lot about monasticism. Besides the fact that I will have the opportunity to visit a New Monastic environment in 2 days called Reba Place Fellowship. I have also been reading through a book called The Little Flowers of Saint Francis. The aforementioned book was written in Italian by companions of St. Francis of Assisi, and then translated into English by Raphael Brown.
The book had provided many insights into both modern and monastic life. My most meaningful message from the book is summed up in the Latin words “Contemptus Mundi”. Contemptus mundi means contempt for the world. I am a firm believer and man of understanding as far as this concept and the futility of worldly things. If I had one message for the world it would be contemptus mundi.
Jesus Christ, whom St. Francis, his followers, and I are seeking to follow was quite simple. He showed that the “abundant life” can be found by returning to the ways of the Father and following His example. This is put into practice by St. Francis and his followers (the Franciscans) by obeying 3 simple rules from the outset.
“If you wish to be perfect, go, and sell all you have, and give to the poor, and come and follow me” – words of Jesus Christ
“Take nothing for your journey, neither staff, nor wallet, nor bread, nor money” – words of Jesus Christ
“If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” – words of Jesus Christ
The three quotes by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sum up the simple life that leads to abundant life.
When contemplating about the concept of contemptus mundi, I am led to think of the parable of the lost son. The story goes that a young son of a man asks his father for his inheritance and leaves his father’s house and goes and spends the money living a lavishly wild lifestyle. Finally at the end of the inheritance money, the son ends up feeding the pigs for a local neighbor. As the man thinks of his current circumstance as he is feeding the pigs, he decides to go back to his father’s house and beg forgiveness. The father welcomes him home not only forgiving him but excited that he has come back home.
How many of us, in the 21st Century, are stuck “feeding the pigs” as we chase after things of this world? Contemptus mundi is the answer to the ills that plague our lives.
The book had provided many insights into both modern and monastic life. My most meaningful message from the book is summed up in the Latin words “Contemptus Mundi”. Contemptus mundi means contempt for the world. I am a firm believer and man of understanding as far as this concept and the futility of worldly things. If I had one message for the world it would be contemptus mundi.
Jesus Christ, whom St. Francis, his followers, and I are seeking to follow was quite simple. He showed that the “abundant life” can be found by returning to the ways of the Father and following His example. This is put into practice by St. Francis and his followers (the Franciscans) by obeying 3 simple rules from the outset.
“If you wish to be perfect, go, and sell all you have, and give to the poor, and come and follow me” – words of Jesus Christ
“Take nothing for your journey, neither staff, nor wallet, nor bread, nor money” – words of Jesus Christ
“If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me” – words of Jesus Christ
The three quotes by the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ sum up the simple life that leads to abundant life.
When contemplating about the concept of contemptus mundi, I am led to think of the parable of the lost son. The story goes that a young son of a man asks his father for his inheritance and leaves his father’s house and goes and spends the money living a lavishly wild lifestyle. Finally at the end of the inheritance money, the son ends up feeding the pigs for a local neighbor. As the man thinks of his current circumstance as he is feeding the pigs, he decides to go back to his father’s house and beg forgiveness. The father welcomes him home not only forgiving him but excited that he has come back home.
How many of us, in the 21st Century, are stuck “feeding the pigs” as we chase after things of this world? Contemptus mundi is the answer to the ills that plague our lives.
Contemptus Mundi,
st. francis,
Thursday, March 4, 2010
All Ye Heretic's
“…the truth of the matter is that they are outside the Church of Christ”.
Well, it’s the beginning of March, and might I say, “Thank God”. I have completed my month of experimenting orthodox Christianity.
Consider the title and the quote I provided, that pretty much sums up my view of orthodox Christianity. I took the time to read a book, written by a Baptist become Orthodox (The Way: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church by Clark Carlon). The book interesting and I had a couple underlines and side notes, but honestly, if I had to made a direct statement concerning my understanding of the orthodox denomination, it would be pompous. Yes, I said it.
Basically, the orthodox view is that everyone else is heretics. I understand that Jesus Christ did make it very clear that Christianity was a narrow way, and that it is only through Him that we get to the Father, but I feel that the orthodox use this way too much to propose their way as the right way.
We must also consider the fact that when the disciples came back to Christ to tell him about others who were casting out demons and healing people, “in His name”, Jesus Christ did not say they were wrong. What did He say? “Do not stop him (Luke 9:49-50)”. I also find it quite interesting that this passage is involving the pride of the disciples and who would be the greatest.
Orthodox and Catholic Christians are very similar in the traditional sense, which I have come to have a distinct taste for. I understand that there will always be some things we disagree on, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water, and find UNITY!
After all, as I stated to a man at the bank yesterday when speaking about the Church, “it’s all about serving and bringing glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to seek to exhibit the unity that was found in the book of Acts, even amidst diversity”.
Also, for my duration of February, in the orthodox tradition the komboskini (prayer rope) is similar to the catholic rosary, yet much more humble. All you have to do is constantly recite, “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner”. Unfortunately, I did not feel the accountability that I needed with that routine. I had only attended Orthodox Church once in the entire month (I know, I know, shame on me).
One great educational resource I did take advantage of and enjoyed was the podcast called Ancient Faith. http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts . I learned about a radical monk named Rev. A.N. Experidon aka “The Bulgarian Monk” who was an encouragement to my radical, seemingly un-orthodox ways.
This month, monasticism. Yes, definitely a discussion and blog worth looking forward to!
Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Surely the same is true of one’s faith, yet the vast majority of Christians- in America at any rate- never take time to examine their faith seriously, to understand why they believe what they believe and how that affects-or should affect-their lives” – excerpt from the book mentioned above.
Thanks for reading...look forward to conversation!
God bless in Christ,
Mike Miano
Well, it’s the beginning of March, and might I say, “Thank God”. I have completed my month of experimenting orthodox Christianity.
Consider the title and the quote I provided, that pretty much sums up my view of orthodox Christianity. I took the time to read a book, written by a Baptist become Orthodox (The Way: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church by Clark Carlon). The book interesting and I had a couple underlines and side notes, but honestly, if I had to made a direct statement concerning my understanding of the orthodox denomination, it would be pompous. Yes, I said it.
Basically, the orthodox view is that everyone else is heretics. I understand that Jesus Christ did make it very clear that Christianity was a narrow way, and that it is only through Him that we get to the Father, but I feel that the orthodox use this way too much to propose their way as the right way.
We must also consider the fact that when the disciples came back to Christ to tell him about others who were casting out demons and healing people, “in His name”, Jesus Christ did not say they were wrong. What did He say? “Do not stop him (Luke 9:49-50)”. I also find it quite interesting that this passage is involving the pride of the disciples and who would be the greatest.
Orthodox and Catholic Christians are very similar in the traditional sense, which I have come to have a distinct taste for. I understand that there will always be some things we disagree on, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water, and find UNITY!
After all, as I stated to a man at the bank yesterday when speaking about the Church, “it’s all about serving and bringing glory to our Lord Jesus Christ, we need to seek to exhibit the unity that was found in the book of Acts, even amidst diversity”.
Also, for my duration of February, in the orthodox tradition the komboskini (prayer rope) is similar to the catholic rosary, yet much more humble. All you have to do is constantly recite, “Lord Jesus, have mercy on me a sinner”. Unfortunately, I did not feel the accountability that I needed with that routine. I had only attended Orthodox Church once in the entire month (I know, I know, shame on me).
One great educational resource I did take advantage of and enjoyed was the podcast called Ancient Faith. http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts . I learned about a radical monk named Rev. A.N. Experidon aka “The Bulgarian Monk” who was an encouragement to my radical, seemingly un-orthodox ways.
This month, monasticism. Yes, definitely a discussion and blog worth looking forward to!
Socrates said, “The unexamined life is not worth living”. Surely the same is true of one’s faith, yet the vast majority of Christians- in America at any rate- never take time to examine their faith seriously, to understand why they believe what they believe and how that affects-or should affect-their lives” – excerpt from the book mentioned above.
Thanks for reading...look forward to conversation!
God bless in Christ,
Mike Miano
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Avatars, Catholics, and the Rosary
Yes, I know a seemingly odd title for a blog post, but I have my reasons for this update.
First off, Gabriella and I went to see the movie Avatar the other night. Let me say it was awesome. I wasnt too keen on going to see a cartoon type movie, but the movie had such Spiritual and political themes. I learned from a dear brother in the faith, that Avatar is basically embodiment, which if I played Wii or other gaming systems I would know that.
The citizens of Pandora were so creative and imaginative that I envied them - consider the faith and awe they had for their people, land, and mother goddess. I was filled with such awe when the whole community came together and laid hands on Jake to welcome him as a member of their community, it was so beautiful! These people where the Church, standing together in the midst of persecution! I saw so much we as the body of Christ could learn from this movie. The political aspect was defintely the rock that the "militant leaders" wanted to get from other the land of Pandora, sounds oddly familiar to a United States Agenda, doesnt it?
Throughout the whole movie, I just thought and related to the people of Pandora (Yes, even to the point of tears). We need to begin to look through the eyes of those standing in these crisis, (for example, the Native Americans, Iraqi's, Palestinians, etc). Fact of the matter is, as my favorite writer has said, "It is not about issues, but about people".
Well, not to make this too lengthy..For the month of January I delved into an understanding of Catholicism, which will not end with January. I have been praying the rosary (which I would like to say I was faithful every day but I wasnt) and attending Mass (which I only stated faithful 2 out of 4 Sundays). I learned many things from this experience, both to the credit of the Catholic teachings and some to say, Why?
AS far as the "Hail Mary" thing, agreed, I dont fully understand nor believe the whole mother of God thing, but I think God weighs the hearts not our misunderstandings, etc..They are going through the death, burial, and ressuection.
Praying the rosary, was exciting. I started out having to learn long prayers, which became repititious and void at times, but I strived to let the thoughts really sink in. I learned to use the rosary to benefit my personal prayers as I utilized the ACTS method. Sitting in prayer for 45 minutes a day was great, some of the words may be absent minded, but how much did you pray today? Once again, I trust that the Lord weighs the heart (Proverbs 21:2).
I am also looking forward to reading through and studying the Catholic Cathechism, which I wasnt able to do this month. But I trust even as an Orthodox Christian (which is February's study) I will have time to read the Catholic Cathechism.
Truthfully, I learned alot (more than I care to type, ask me about it). I hope that we as the body of Christ continue to learn and use our imagination in the process. To Christ Jesus be the glory!
First off, Gabriella and I went to see the movie Avatar the other night. Let me say it was awesome. I wasnt too keen on going to see a cartoon type movie, but the movie had such Spiritual and political themes. I learned from a dear brother in the faith, that Avatar is basically embodiment, which if I played Wii or other gaming systems I would know that.
The citizens of Pandora were so creative and imaginative that I envied them - consider the faith and awe they had for their people, land, and mother goddess. I was filled with such awe when the whole community came together and laid hands on Jake to welcome him as a member of their community, it was so beautiful! These people where the Church, standing together in the midst of persecution! I saw so much we as the body of Christ could learn from this movie. The political aspect was defintely the rock that the "militant leaders" wanted to get from other the land of Pandora, sounds oddly familiar to a United States Agenda, doesnt it?
Throughout the whole movie, I just thought and related to the people of Pandora (Yes, even to the point of tears). We need to begin to look through the eyes of those standing in these crisis, (for example, the Native Americans, Iraqi's, Palestinians, etc). Fact of the matter is, as my favorite writer has said, "It is not about issues, but about people".
Well, not to make this too lengthy..For the month of January I delved into an understanding of Catholicism, which will not end with January. I have been praying the rosary (which I would like to say I was faithful every day but I wasnt) and attending Mass (which I only stated faithful 2 out of 4 Sundays). I learned many things from this experience, both to the credit of the Catholic teachings and some to say, Why?
AS far as the "Hail Mary" thing, agreed, I dont fully understand nor believe the whole mother of God thing, but I think God weighs the hearts not our misunderstandings, etc..They are going through the death, burial, and ressuection.
Praying the rosary, was exciting. I started out having to learn long prayers, which became repititious and void at times, but I strived to let the thoughts really sink in. I learned to use the rosary to benefit my personal prayers as I utilized the ACTS method. Sitting in prayer for 45 minutes a day was great, some of the words may be absent minded, but how much did you pray today? Once again, I trust that the Lord weighs the heart (Proverbs 21:2).
I am also looking forward to reading through and studying the Catholic Cathechism, which I wasnt able to do this month. But I trust even as an Orthodox Christian (which is February's study) I will have time to read the Catholic Cathechism.
Truthfully, I learned alot (more than I care to type, ask me about it). I hope that we as the body of Christ continue to learn and use our imagination in the process. To Christ Jesus be the glory!
prophetic imagination,
Friday, January 29, 2010
Ramblings of a Jesus Freak
The past couple weeks, actually I could even say the beginning of the New Year has been awesome, and AWE in every sense of the word.
Have had plenty of study opportunities, especially with the start of the new group I started called ACTing Out ACTS! Also, have had plenty of speaking engagements which have been both a blessing and trying.
So, the latest message that has been on my mind came from the Acting Out: ACTS study, we read through ACTS 1 and 2. Acts chapter one has always had a serious yet humorous tone to me, since we see the disciples at their lowest point after the crucifixion of Christ, (they are confused and seemingly defeated), then at the greatest point, (in which breeds a different form of confusion).
Acts 1 speaks about the proofs we have of the resurrection and the power we have received as witnesses to proclaim the gospel. But, what is the next action- stupefied! The apostles are depicted as being in so much awe of the ascension that they stand staring into the sky. HELLO! We have proof and power, GO!
Such a message for us in these times as well!
I have just read through Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution for the 2nd time. Yes, the book is that good. I want to share some thoughts…
We seriously need to “experiment with the gospel”, that is what Shane and his community are trying to do. All of this is in an effort to “question the sanity of the consumer culture, the distorted priorities of the global economy, and the methodology of the welfare state…” It is long over due that we begin “rediscovering the Biblical reversal of our social logic”.
I love how Shane compared the “unbelieving activists” and the “inactive believers”. Oh, how these two disturb me and get me fired up! On one end the unbelieving activist needs to see salvation as saving our souls from sin and that salvation does not end with us, but in turn the inactive believer needs to see that we also need to see salvation as saving the world from this even system and that salvation does begin with us doing something!
“…another world is possible”. Isn’t that the rally call of the gospel? I see the problem as does Shane, that we sit at the foot of the cross, cry, worship, and lay our lives down, but never pick the cross up and follow Christ. Without mission, this doesn’t make much sense. Hypocrisy and millions of other “church issues” come from lacking mission, it simply gets boring!!!
The Word of God must not become stale in our minds and hearts. The minute that the Word is not pushing you to a reckless faith, you need to question your “Christian scholarship”. ..Ha ha shout to to Soren Kieregard.
How about Church by this definition? “A people on the margins giving birth to another way of living, a new community marked by interdependence and sacrificial love”. Yeah, that leaves me speechless too!
Galatians 2:20 becomes to hold a new meaning when we truly understand that seeing Christ through us is important to the lost. As Shane references many times the term “Namaste”, which means “I see God in you”. We need to “spend our lives for others”, or even as the book of Isaiah says “pour out our lives unto death”.
Here is my plea from my heart utilizing the words from Shane’s book:
“The doors of normalcy and conformity are dead. The time has come to give up on the doors and find a window to climb through. It’s a little more dangerous and may get you into some trouble, but it’s a heck of a lot more fun. And the people who have changed the world have always been the risk-takers who climb through windows while the rest of the world just walks in and out of doors…”
“We need converts in the best sense of the word, people who are marked by the renewing of their minds and imaginations, who no longer conform to the pattern that is destroying our world. Otherwise, we have only believers, and believers are a dime a dozen now a days. What the world needs is people who believe so much in another world that they cannot help but begin enacting it now” That’s it, honestly, I can sit and quote the whole book to you, yeah once again, its that good! Let the MUSTARD SEED REVOLUTION begin!!! Note- really read about the significance of the mustard seed, one word, Wow!
So in conclusion, as I said in a message I spoke last night. We need to start being risk takers for the Kingdom of God. We need to storm the gates of hell and save the lost and redeem the world all through and for Christ Jesus. As a new wise friend said to me last night, “we need to set up our tents next to hell, and save souls from the fire”. AMEN
Thanks for reading!
Have had plenty of study opportunities, especially with the start of the new group I started called ACTing Out ACTS! Also, have had plenty of speaking engagements which have been both a blessing and trying.
So, the latest message that has been on my mind came from the Acting Out: ACTS study, we read through ACTS 1 and 2. Acts chapter one has always had a serious yet humorous tone to me, since we see the disciples at their lowest point after the crucifixion of Christ, (they are confused and seemingly defeated), then at the greatest point, (in which breeds a different form of confusion).
Acts 1 speaks about the proofs we have of the resurrection and the power we have received as witnesses to proclaim the gospel. But, what is the next action- stupefied! The apostles are depicted as being in so much awe of the ascension that they stand staring into the sky. HELLO! We have proof and power, GO!
Such a message for us in these times as well!
I have just read through Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution for the 2nd time. Yes, the book is that good. I want to share some thoughts…
We seriously need to “experiment with the gospel”, that is what Shane and his community are trying to do. All of this is in an effort to “question the sanity of the consumer culture, the distorted priorities of the global economy, and the methodology of the welfare state…” It is long over due that we begin “rediscovering the Biblical reversal of our social logic”.
I love how Shane compared the “unbelieving activists” and the “inactive believers”. Oh, how these two disturb me and get me fired up! On one end the unbelieving activist needs to see salvation as saving our souls from sin and that salvation does not end with us, but in turn the inactive believer needs to see that we also need to see salvation as saving the world from this even system and that salvation does begin with us doing something!
“…another world is possible”. Isn’t that the rally call of the gospel? I see the problem as does Shane, that we sit at the foot of the cross, cry, worship, and lay our lives down, but never pick the cross up and follow Christ. Without mission, this doesn’t make much sense. Hypocrisy and millions of other “church issues” come from lacking mission, it simply gets boring!!!
The Word of God must not become stale in our minds and hearts. The minute that the Word is not pushing you to a reckless faith, you need to question your “Christian scholarship”. ..Ha ha shout to to Soren Kieregard.
How about Church by this definition? “A people on the margins giving birth to another way of living, a new community marked by interdependence and sacrificial love”. Yeah, that leaves me speechless too!
Galatians 2:20 becomes to hold a new meaning when we truly understand that seeing Christ through us is important to the lost. As Shane references many times the term “Namaste”, which means “I see God in you”. We need to “spend our lives for others”, or even as the book of Isaiah says “pour out our lives unto death”.
Here is my plea from my heart utilizing the words from Shane’s book:
“The doors of normalcy and conformity are dead. The time has come to give up on the doors and find a window to climb through. It’s a little more dangerous and may get you into some trouble, but it’s a heck of a lot more fun. And the people who have changed the world have always been the risk-takers who climb through windows while the rest of the world just walks in and out of doors…”
“We need converts in the best sense of the word, people who are marked by the renewing of their minds and imaginations, who no longer conform to the pattern that is destroying our world. Otherwise, we have only believers, and believers are a dime a dozen now a days. What the world needs is people who believe so much in another world that they cannot help but begin enacting it now” That’s it, honestly, I can sit and quote the whole book to you, yeah once again, its that good! Let the MUSTARD SEED REVOLUTION begin!!! Note- really read about the significance of the mustard seed, one word, Wow!
So in conclusion, as I said in a message I spoke last night. We need to start being risk takers for the Kingdom of God. We need to storm the gates of hell and save the lost and redeem the world all through and for Christ Jesus. As a new wise friend said to me last night, “we need to set up our tents next to hell, and save souls from the fire”. AMEN
Thanks for reading!
acting out ACTS,
acts 1,
gates of hell,
shane claiborne
Monday, January 4, 2010
New Years Resolution
Ok, well it’s the 4th, so therefore it is officially 2010. The weekend is over and now its back to the normal life for 2010. I did some research on New Year’s resolutions and it has been said that 40-45% of Americans make resolutions. If you make a resolution you are more than 10 times more likely to accomplish your goals, than those who fail to make resolutions. Gabriella and I both made signs to put on the wall that list our resolutions (great idea right, ok fine it was her idea!!)
This resolution is my vow to God! In accordance with Psalm 61:8 “Then will I ever sing praise to Your Name and fulfill my vows day after day”.
In 2010 I vow to:
Pursue Righteousness (refer to Matthew 5 and Psalms 119)
Simplify my life
Become a prayer warrior and step my prayer game up (January through March- prayer endeavor, pray the divine hours throughout the year, pray that Psalms, and have more intimate time with the Father)
Love life with Gabriella (live it, love it, and express it)
Live with missional courage and imagination (Acting Out-ACTS, 1st Century Apostle attitude, newsworthy “epic” life, daily ask what God would have me to do)
More relational (spend time with friends actually hanging out rather than meetings and such)
Do P90X with Gabriella (yeah, ask her about that one!!)
Accomplish more Bucket List ideas
These are my vows before you (the reader) and God, in the name of Christ Jesus.
X.) Michael Miano
Also, will be going out today with the endeavor of using the resolution concept to get others to make resolutions and hear the gospel! Pray for Christ to blast His awesome power through 2010!
Also, checkout the latest on Acting Out- ACTS
This resolution is my vow to God! In accordance with Psalm 61:8 “Then will I ever sing praise to Your Name and fulfill my vows day after day”.
In 2010 I vow to:
Pursue Righteousness (refer to Matthew 5 and Psalms 119)
Simplify my life
Become a prayer warrior and step my prayer game up (January through March- prayer endeavor, pray the divine hours throughout the year, pray that Psalms, and have more intimate time with the Father)
Love life with Gabriella (live it, love it, and express it)
Live with missional courage and imagination (Acting Out-ACTS, 1st Century Apostle attitude, newsworthy “epic” life, daily ask what God would have me to do)
More relational (spend time with friends actually hanging out rather than meetings and such)
Do P90X with Gabriella (yeah, ask her about that one!!)
Accomplish more Bucket List ideas
These are my vows before you (the reader) and God, in the name of Christ Jesus.
X.) Michael Miano
Also, will be going out today with the endeavor of using the resolution concept to get others to make resolutions and hear the gospel! Pray for Christ to blast His awesome power through 2010!
Also, checkout the latest on Acting Out- ACTS
acting out ACTS,
new years,
Sunday, January 3, 2010
End of 2009 Re-cap
The year 2009, started with plans to start Freaked-Out Fellowship as a ministry endeavor. As I was still working through ideas with the Tribe of Dan Ministry. Looking back at notes from March, my main concern was the strategy and over all idea of the Tribe of Dan. I was beginning to feel as if we were too busy trying to create or build a ministry, when our calling is to DO ministry.
Also, another common theme I see dating back to March 2009, was the search and enhancing of my calling in the Kingdom of God. I had written “Goal- To help people find themselves and express it”. A great impacting throughout those times was the podcasts from Elevation Church.
A Spirit-filled message I received through prayer in April 2009, was “Be prepared for when the blessings come, the vision manifests, because much will be required”. That was an answer to my concerns about my calling, personal ministry work, and even the overall vision. I know the Lord is still at work in me in an effort to build Godly character.
By the end of April 2009, I began to put serious thought into the planning of Freaked-Out Fellowship, and was using Pastor Matt Keller’s book, Up The Middle Church, as a reference guide. A great mentor into my Christian walk was Pastor Alex from First Assembly of God, Fort Myers. He provided so much counseling and discussion time to push me further as a man of God. (I just realized he introduced me to the ministry of Francis Chan, but yet I read Crazy Love before he did, how ironic, ha ha ha).
In May, I had a meeting with pastor Matt Keller from Next Level Church, concerning the start up of Freaked-Out Fellowship. He offered advice into seeking my calling and also gave me the push to start up FOF. Also, Mark Batterson podcast’s were a valuable resource!
In June, I decided to embark on a book of Acts commentary idea. I have to sideline many other Spirit-filled leaders who promise that if you read through the book of Acts as a follower of Christ, you will be renewed, strengthened, and challenged!! I still talk about that journey today, and have my notes listed on the Freaked-Out Fellowship webpage (http://www.freakedoutfellowship.weebly.com).
June 22,2009 I gave my own definition to the term “Jesus Freak”- “let all that is in me out for the glory of God”! woohoo! Glory to God in the highest! Much respect and admiration for DC TALK and Voice of the Martyrs for the music and books. Also, in June thanks to the podcasts by Mark Batterson, I developed my “bucket list”. Still at work, slow and steady. Some things I have fulfilled since making it would be:
Open-Air preaching, Creating a street evangelism team, buy something for a complete stranger, become the guy who will talk to anyone, read through the message Bible (New Testament), eat a meal with the homeless, go to church dressed like a prophet, find and thank a teacher for all that they did for me, try Ezekiel Bread, Preach door to door…To be continued.
As far as those goals I could see myself doing this year:
Visit a monastery, have children (ha ha ha just playing Gabriella, not yet..), preach in prison, pray daily times of prayer, go on a cruise with Gabriella, go to the Holy Land Experience, do a 40 day fast, help and witness Gabriella with a bucket list, witness a NT miracle, attend a leadership conference, take Gabriella on an awesome adventure, raise $ for a charity, run/walk a marathon for a cause, visit a new monastic environment. WISH ME LUCK!!!
My personal mission statement developed as “Creating ( or building up) Jesus Freaks”.
Around the middle of the year, I began to meet with an awesome group of guys to study through the Truth Project. We developed relationships and had conversations that will impact eternity! (Shout out to Rob, Paul, Mark, and Cha, we can include Joe as well!)
Gabriella and I, had an awesome year. We experienced a lot of growth, through times of blessing and times of trial. Many people have posed the concept of marriage to us, and that alone has provided area for growth. We continue on as a happy couple, going through the life in LOVE.
When I first came to Christ, I experienced a lot of dreams. I still have a small journal that I had kept record. As I venture through this years thoughts and notes, I realize I haven’t had too many dream occurrences. October 7, 2009, I left a note concerning a series of dreams I had in response to a prayer of God making clear what I should be doing. 1st dream- Proclaim was the word of the day and I defined it. 2nd dream- I was a witness in a courtroom trial. 3rd dream- woke up and started to get ready 3 hours before I had to, couldn’t stop thinking about urgency. PROCLAIM, WITNESS, URGENCY!
Looking through notes of October and November, I see a common theme. Basically, a discontentment with the state of the Church, and our lack of true follower-ship. A study into New Monasticism as well as re-occurring thoughts into the life of the Apostles had caused this. Noticing that we, as the body of Christ, have compromised the mission and the gospel. Thinking through ideas of the persecuted church also had impacted this.
Late November and heading into December, up until now, has been a journey into defining discipleship. I am currently working on some ideas for re-creating discipleship in the lives of believers and non-believers. Acting Out- ACTS!
Look forward to New Year resolutions!
Great books I read in 09’:
The Renegades Guide to God by David Foster
The Unexpected Adventure by Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg
The Gospel According to Starbucks
Holy Ambition by Chip Ingram
The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon
Primal by Mark Batterson
And finishing off the year with, The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson.
Also, another common theme I see dating back to March 2009, was the search and enhancing of my calling in the Kingdom of God. I had written “Goal- To help people find themselves and express it”. A great impacting throughout those times was the podcasts from Elevation Church.
A Spirit-filled message I received through prayer in April 2009, was “Be prepared for when the blessings come, the vision manifests, because much will be required”. That was an answer to my concerns about my calling, personal ministry work, and even the overall vision. I know the Lord is still at work in me in an effort to build Godly character.
By the end of April 2009, I began to put serious thought into the planning of Freaked-Out Fellowship, and was using Pastor Matt Keller’s book, Up The Middle Church, as a reference guide. A great mentor into my Christian walk was Pastor Alex from First Assembly of God, Fort Myers. He provided so much counseling and discussion time to push me further as a man of God. (I just realized he introduced me to the ministry of Francis Chan, but yet I read Crazy Love before he did, how ironic, ha ha ha).
In May, I had a meeting with pastor Matt Keller from Next Level Church, concerning the start up of Freaked-Out Fellowship. He offered advice into seeking my calling and also gave me the push to start up FOF. Also, Mark Batterson podcast’s were a valuable resource!
In June, I decided to embark on a book of Acts commentary idea. I have to sideline many other Spirit-filled leaders who promise that if you read through the book of Acts as a follower of Christ, you will be renewed, strengthened, and challenged!! I still talk about that journey today, and have my notes listed on the Freaked-Out Fellowship webpage (http://www.freakedoutfellowship.weebly.com).
June 22,2009 I gave my own definition to the term “Jesus Freak”- “let all that is in me out for the glory of God”! woohoo! Glory to God in the highest! Much respect and admiration for DC TALK and Voice of the Martyrs for the music and books. Also, in June thanks to the podcasts by Mark Batterson, I developed my “bucket list”. Still at work, slow and steady. Some things I have fulfilled since making it would be:
Open-Air preaching, Creating a street evangelism team, buy something for a complete stranger, become the guy who will talk to anyone, read through the message Bible (New Testament), eat a meal with the homeless, go to church dressed like a prophet, find and thank a teacher for all that they did for me, try Ezekiel Bread, Preach door to door…To be continued.
As far as those goals I could see myself doing this year:
Visit a monastery, have children (ha ha ha just playing Gabriella, not yet..), preach in prison, pray daily times of prayer, go on a cruise with Gabriella, go to the Holy Land Experience, do a 40 day fast, help and witness Gabriella with a bucket list, witness a NT miracle, attend a leadership conference, take Gabriella on an awesome adventure, raise $ for a charity, run/walk a marathon for a cause, visit a new monastic environment. WISH ME LUCK!!!
My personal mission statement developed as “Creating ( or building up) Jesus Freaks”.
Around the middle of the year, I began to meet with an awesome group of guys to study through the Truth Project. We developed relationships and had conversations that will impact eternity! (Shout out to Rob, Paul, Mark, and Cha, we can include Joe as well!)
Gabriella and I, had an awesome year. We experienced a lot of growth, through times of blessing and times of trial. Many people have posed the concept of marriage to us, and that alone has provided area for growth. We continue on as a happy couple, going through the life in LOVE.
When I first came to Christ, I experienced a lot of dreams. I still have a small journal that I had kept record. As I venture through this years thoughts and notes, I realize I haven’t had too many dream occurrences. October 7, 2009, I left a note concerning a series of dreams I had in response to a prayer of God making clear what I should be doing. 1st dream- Proclaim was the word of the day and I defined it. 2nd dream- I was a witness in a courtroom trial. 3rd dream- woke up and started to get ready 3 hours before I had to, couldn’t stop thinking about urgency. PROCLAIM, WITNESS, URGENCY!
Looking through notes of October and November, I see a common theme. Basically, a discontentment with the state of the Church, and our lack of true follower-ship. A study into New Monasticism as well as re-occurring thoughts into the life of the Apostles had caused this. Noticing that we, as the body of Christ, have compromised the mission and the gospel. Thinking through ideas of the persecuted church also had impacted this.
Late November and heading into December, up until now, has been a journey into defining discipleship. I am currently working on some ideas for re-creating discipleship in the lives of believers and non-believers. Acting Out- ACTS!
Look forward to New Year resolutions!
Great books I read in 09’:
The Renegades Guide to God by David Foster
The Unexpected Adventure by Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg
The Gospel According to Starbucks
Holy Ambition by Chip Ingram
The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon
Primal by Mark Batterson
And finishing off the year with, The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson.
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