Tuesday, June 8, 2010

ReJesus - The Missional Church

I just finished reading ReJesus: A Wild Messiah for a Missional Church by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch, and I have to say it might just be another huge factor in my growth. The book has come at a pivotal part of my growth in life (Isn’t it awesome how God orchestrates things?).
Well, let me start with a personal point. When I first came to Christ, I was sent out and equipped to be a radical. Besides the fact that I was in a prison yard where Muslims, atheists, and agnostics ran rampant, brother Paul also let me know from the 1st moment I chose to follow Christ Jesus, that I was called and sent out to be an ambassador.
As of the latest development in my Christian walk, I have learned how to read the Bible in a way that makes perfect sense, truly in context. This has led me to embrace the Preterist doctrine. To be a little critical of what I have seen within some Preterist circles, I see a need to re-connect to the missional Messiah. Therefore, this awesome book could have come at no better a time.
The book starts with a great analogy. When a computer needs to be re-booted, it requires a complete do-over, and must go back to the beginning basic functions. Basically, in order to re-Jesus, we must go back to the basics (do I hear a call for Matthew chapters 5-7 anywhere? (smiles)).
A great quote which is so true in all areas of life and I couldn’t have said it better was: “Jesus is the center of all, the object of all, whoever does not know Him, knows nothing aright, either of the world or of himself” (Blasé Pascal). I can testify to that because before I came to the saving knowledge of Christ, life just didn’t seem to make much sense, but know as a Christian, every day I try to figure out how can the world make sense to those who are stuck in it????
The book goes on to remind us of who Jesus Christ is in the gospels, without us fashioning Him into our images (they even showed pictures of different “Jesus’, and quotes from the movie Talladega Nights, ha ha “Jesus is not a baby anymore!!”.).
“There is no doubt that we face a SPIRITUAL, THEOLOGICAL, MISSIONAL, AND EXISTENTIAL CRISIS in the West”. Anyone disagree? Consider the million and one denominations, why??? Consider the loss of the radical rabbi/ messiah Jesus Christ.
Another astonishing fact about the book was that the authors mixed many of the different mentors/ authors and concepts that I have been admiring a lot lately. For example Shane Claiborne, Erwin McManus, Walter Bruggerman “prophetic imagination”, and some others. I do not consider it a coincidence that these are all linked minds; rather I believe we are onto something here my friends.
“The conspiracy of little Jesus’”- I have come to adore that term, because that’s exactly what Christianity should be called. That’s exactly what I had in mind when the vision for Freaked-Out Fellowship came into play. Just picture it, little Jesus’ all around, everywhere in our neighborhoods starting little revolutions in public and in private lives. The comparison to V for Vendetta was good as well.
I enjoyed the motto of the 3 Latin terms, imago Dei, participate Christo, and mission Dei. = could be said to be the essence of Christianity.
Quoting from Robert McAfree Brown, “Our task is to create foretastes of the Kingdom of God on this planet-living glimpse of what life is meant to be…” Great quote, although as a preterist, I believe we are living in the kingdom of God, which means to presents of the living God with us now, and a fulfilled Old Covenant. Our fulfilled hope is a reality that Christ is ever present with us, and we can live in His presence without priests or artifacts.
Imago Dei, was brought to a new vision for me, especially as an evangelist. Considering that we are all made in the image of God, and some have allowed that to fade by letting this world captivate them, our goal is to identify the image of the Creator in all people, and tease it out. Wow! Talk about being on mission! “I desire to be the man who restores these lost children to God”!
As I read through the book and considered the quote “God is the one who conquers…by capturing the imagination…” I thought about how God has gifted me with a vast imagination. Considering the New Monastic adventures, cross-carrying, sackcloth, denominational studies, etc- these have all been ReJesus moments in my life. That is what we need, constant renewal to the reality of Jesus Christ. Pretty much, a renewal of discipleship, and an enactment of 21st century apostles (Acting Out ACTS anyone?).
The book goes on to direct attention at the institutional church, and how scary it must be to go back to Jesus Christ. The founder of this entire revolution. A lot must change and it is much noticeable that many church leaders will not want to go back to the original because they fear “the whole edifice might crumble”. Well, I guess that battle is are you following Christ or not???
Well, I think that is enough. Honestly, these are only half of my notes from the book. Yes, they and I have that much to say. But maybe another blog soon or contact me and we can talk. My goal is not to write about it, but rather to begin the “conspiracy of little Jesus’, locally and abroad!
Love you all, thanks for reading this lengthy blog!
God bless, through the mighty blood of Christ Jesus,
Michael Miano
PS- please consider supporting my trip to Israel/ Palestine

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