Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why Palestine?

Well, I leave for Palestine in less than 72 hours, and it has been a trying past week at that. Thanks be to God for the strength, all all the loved ones who has helped, discussed, and just cared for me as I have been going through the ringer (I could not have kept my sanity without you all).

I wanted to briefly document my thoughts on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and why I feel called to participate in this mission, as I have called "Know the Faces". (

Well, for starters I have never been a dispensationalist, which means I refuse separate the people of God as Israel (God's Chosen) and the church, and this has allowed me to not have blinders concerning Israel( visit this site : When I first came to Christ and stood under the teaching of brother Paul Richard Jr. Curran, I learned much of who and what Israel was. I have studies theology and history concerning Israel and have grown to have many concerns about what is going on over in this place once called Canaan.

I remember reading about Rachel Corrie, and how she protested the inhumane treatment of Palestinians and this eventually led to her death (Google: Rachel Corrie). This inspired me because I believe that standing in the face of danger especially in regards to the welfare of people is what Christianity is all about, exactly what we see Jesus Christ doing throughout the gospels( Luke 4:18-21), and this is many senses has come to be labeled liberation theology. Isn't liberation exactly what the New Covenant is about?

Many people question the "no more tears, pain, death" scriptures(Isaiah 25 cf. Revelation 21:1-27) as to apply in some future time or now (the kingdom of God), but looking at this situation in Palestine, and oppressed people all over the world, we have perfect opportunity to live in love and make this "no more tears" concept a reality, RIGHT NOW!!!

I have always been overly- agitated by what we call missions in the Christian church, I have failed to see the element of self-sacrifice and danger that we see in the "Jesus Freaks" and missionaries we read about. And then I stumbled upon the Christian Peacemaker Teams, one of the few groups who seem to understand the concept of "die to self" (Matthew 16:24-25).

The time has come for me as a student of the Word of God, a man who is inspired by those who take initiative, and a conscientious thinker of this Israel thing, to finally "Know the Faces". Yes, I will quote Shane Claiborne (as I do many times) ,

"And I think that's what our world is desperately in need of - lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the issues they are concerned about." .

This is exactly my goal, to get past the dry knowledge concept and to truly live this out, and my goal is to come home and to tell you all about what I experienced as I sought to be a true Jesus Freak and live this great virtue of love (1 Corinthians 13:3), and in the effort to inspire you to do the same!

All for His Glory, -Jesus Christ
Mike Miano

"Ignorance, while dangerous, is a condition that can be altered - apathy very often is not. Ironically enough, ignorance is not necessarily dangerous until it is paired with apathy - if a person does not know something, it doesn't truly become dangerous until he lacks the desire to learn. While it is true that ignorance is a great way to spread misinformation, apathy is also a great way to make certain that nobody disputes it. There will always be ignorance that seeks to be enlightened - the same cannot be said of apathy. The ignorant can always be informed - it is only when they are too apathetic to care that they no longer ARE informed." - quoted from a anonymous writer

Here are some of my inspirations concerning the Israel/ Palestine Controversy (Disclaimer: I do not agree with everything these books, articles, and people say. Prove all things!).

SoS: Calling the Tribe of Dan by Paul Richard Jr. Curran (ask me about this, available upon request)

Synagoue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock

God's Covenant People: Yesterday, Today, and Forever by Ted. Weiland

The Rachel Corrie Story -

The Irrisistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne Christian Peacemaker Teams Website

Reformed-Full Pret Theology - consider the Biblical evidence of how God works through covenants (I am always willing to sit down and have some studies based on this, contact me!)

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