Monday, June 22, 2009

"It's like being Born Again"

A continuation of the latest trip- Living Life!

Yes, so its still on my mind, actually it seems to be making me crazier and crazier. ha ha ha.
Well, to be completely honest, my goal was to be a risk-taker and complete the 3-day challenge given by, but spending almost a whole day in a car, then eating dinner, than playing in the pool all day, and then the car again really didn't afford me the opportunity to "live on the edge".
So, last night it happened again! I was watching the movie "Passengers", and the story line is that this woman is counseling these survivors of a plane crash. The one "survivor" is living very risky, such as jumping off buildings, using other peoples boats, basically living on impulse. Then, he made this statement- "It's like being born again". Wow- talk about a Word from God!

Where have we heard that before? "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).
I have never really thought about that. As Christians we are baptized, and this symbolizes are dying to self and to this world, and being born again in Christ.
If you are dead, and now alive, how should you live? Obviously, we should be living a risk-taking life, appreciating the resurrection power and so much more. That is, if the resurrection is your reality.
I have realized that, there is a healthy difference between spontaneity and routine, and that is being Born Again, and living in the Spirit! Amen!

"Divine Impulse", I guess it could be called.

My personal oath and quote of the day is this.... “Lord, I will follow Thee—but—.”....FORGET THAT!! Stop putting flowers at the base of the cross, pick it up and follow Him!"

No more excuses, let's be totally Freaked-Out!
Here is the Challenge: What do you do if you cannot die? How do you live if you cannot die? What do you do if you will live forever and the next phase will be unimaginably wonderful – forever?

"Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far they can go."
— T.S. Eliot

Some Risk Taking links:

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