Monday, June 15, 2009

Don't Wanna Waste My Life!!!

I know, I know....I am obsessed with Lecrae. Get over it! ha ha ha....Actually I am obsessed with the term, because it is such a great "Kingdom living principle".

Its been said...107 people die every minute, 6390 every hour, 153,000 every day......

Do you know when you will DIE? No, you dont! You could die in 10 minutes, you could die in 5 days, 10 years, 50 years, etc..But the FACT is you dont know. Unless of course, you take the death clock.

This has been on my mind alot (Living life to the max), I keep hearing messages on it and every movie I watch think about it. I'll brief you on some of the latest..Ok, so I saw the movie Revolutionary Road. Yeah, I have a wife thank you very much, stop laughing! Anyways, the couple was living an ordinary, boring life and the wife wanted to bring back the excitement they once had, before they allowed facts of life ( getting older, children, etc) to hold them back. They get so excited thinking about it, then...(I dont want to ruin the movie for you). Or how about The Hangover? Ok, block out all the sin and fornication nonsense, look at the deeper issue. These men were participating in a Bachelor party, which I guess is saying "Have a blast before you end it all", horrible stance for marriage (Marriage is the beginning of life not the end!!!).Anyways, these men had mediocre lives, and this night they lived out the life God had put in them (ok, well they needed to get drugged to do it, frown).

See the point though? When you die, will you stand at judgment thinking what you could have, should have, or failed to do? You don't know when that will be, so get on with what the Lord put inside you.

Now let me add a disclaimer to this. I got to thinking. I agree with this so much because I know the life that the Lord Jesus Christ has put inside me, what vision and calling He has placed in me, THE LIFE, so to speak. In no way shape or form and I saying go out and do whatever you want. This is a Christian blog! BUT, you have desires and dreams, fantasies, and callings, that God placed in you for a reason, are you living it out? Are you wasting your life?

The first thing I would advise you to do is study the Word of God, then examine yourself (what makes you, YOU?), then live it out! In this order!

I came across an awesome site, which if used in the right way can be of maximum quality to a believer, check it out.

Love in Christ,
Mike Miano
Also we are on now

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