Well, I had a different message for today but since its Sunday, I went to Next Level Church and listened to the last segment of the Act Now series. I have to say it was a blessing and the words spoken by pastor Mike Ash, hit home.
Today is Super Bowl Sunday, so we talked a little bit about football. The teams that make it to the Superbowl arent necessarily the best teams record wise, but yet they made it. How? Why? Now what? When I heard that, I thought about the Church. We arent the coolest thing to the world, nor do we have excellent celebrity speakers and such. But we are in the "game" to win, we might not have the best track record, so how do we do this?
Well first of all, we must learn to "play" together effectively. Understand your team members, know their strengths and weakness. They strategize a bit...How can we work to downsize the weaknesses and utilize everyones strengths?
Also another great point to ponder is...What body part are you willing to lose? Most of us would either say none or name a body part we view as trivial. Let's say a toe..Now a toe seems insignificant, but yet it is not. Toes help keep balance, etc...I actually researched a they have a site for Toe-Amputees (I apologize, I in no way want to make a joke of this, just using it as a allegorical example). So point is, every body part, no matter how seemingly insignificant is needed and important.
The Word of God tells us that we are all members of the body of Christ. Each and everyone of us is important to the function of the body.
Last but not least- A great point was made concerning how all these body parts should look together (just in case you are clumsy and uncoordinated, then we cant use the body as a good example lol). The double sided disco ball looks cool and functions awesome. All the lights (Remember the Word calls us lights, and yes we are all soo different) and the motion makes it look so cool. Thats how we the Church are suppose to be working and look. Thats a truly Spirit led Church!
Do we look like this.....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FqCFWnwr0I
Are we manifesting His glory as we should?
Let's be the Church!
Pastor Mike Miano
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