Our Only Defense..
Ok, this may come as surprise to everyone, but civilization is crumbling before our eyes. I hope most if not all understood my sarcasm, because I hope to the Lord Almighty, that wasn't a surprise.
So the obvious would be to ask, "So what is the solution to TEOTWAWKI (THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT)?"
Well, this may come as a surprise, The Kingdom of God. I know I have touched on this before, but now I wanted to bring the current attacks on this mindset to your attention.
I was recently listening to the Alex Jones InfoWars broadcast, and it was being spoken on how self sufficient living is being outlawed daily.
Firstly, the kingdom of God - a self-sufficient, Christian community, operating is gifts and callings, and distributing our goods to one another, is our defense to all problems past, present, and future.
So of course, Satan would do whatever is in his power to disrupt that.
here are some brief links of some outrageous happenings in our world...
more to come on this issue, (sorry its late and haven't had time to do enough research) Check out the sites!
God bless, in Christ,
Pastor Mike
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