Friday, May 29, 2009

Where Have all the Radicals Gone?

"...they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come here also (Acts 17:6)".

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the band of disciples who followed Him, set out and defied the religious institution and went against society norms, all in the effort to preach that everyone must "save themselves from this corrupt generation". That is the same message we as the body of Christ need to be yelling today. I sometimes sit and think about the current state of things, are we reading the same Bible about the same followers? This isn't some sit in church, clap your hands, sing a song, listen to a message and live a good life type of thing here, this is the call to be radical. Let us always remember the Spirit of the band of disciples who followed Christ, who we call Apostles, as well look to Church history for those who have blazed these trails before us.
The book of Acts is filled with exactly that- Acts of the Apostles. Peter on Pentecost preaching to multitudes, he is warning them and preaching with a passion, that they must realize the Truth. After a great healing, Peter once again preaches about repentance to the onlookers. These two stories alone show a pattern of consistency and passion, so much that Peter and John were brought up for trial to the religious leaders. Read how many believers were added to the Church. I say that not to point out that we need bigger walled churches, but rather to show that in some senses we have lost the passion for the lost. Only the Spirit of God can give us this radical passion, which will provoke us to get out there and be heard.
If today, there was to be a persecution of Christians in our land, would our testimonies and work shine so bright that we would be dragged away? I fear not, because most of us, unlike the Apostles are not being heard, or shaking things up. The Apostles made the world as we know it uncomfortable, unlike Christianity of today (Church-ianity) in which is the normal faith of the day. Everyone says there a Christian!!!
Polycarp, a faithful disciple of the Apostle John, was an example of a follower who during persecution was singled out and was martyred. This was a man who fought heresies in the Church and dedicated his life to the ministry. Or consider the Monks, such as Anthony or Francis. At a time when the Church was beginning to inter-mingle with the affairs of the world, these monks set themselves apart and fled to institutional church. Many of us fail to realize that this upset the "religious world" and Rome had alot of hostility toward them. Imagine that, the same Church that calls these men "Saints" actually disregarded them at the time of their service.

"Constantine adopting the Christian faith, resulted in a decline in Christian commitment. The radical believers who Diocletian killed were replaced by half-converted pagans" -Church History Textbook

Another great believer, Peter Waldo (1140-1218) led a band of believers much like the Apostles and are considered one of the first "back to the Bible movements". The Waldenses preached a return to the simple life of the Apostles, living a voluntary life of poverty and preaching. Once again, this radical move challenged the ideas of the day, so this was declared heretical and by 13th Century were pretty much scattered. Even more, lets look at the challenge of
John Wycliffe and John Hus, both who are considered Reformers of their day. They saw the problems in the Church and rather than complain, they took the initiative to make the changes. Many could question, where would the Church teachings be today if it wasn't for the courage of these two men.
Let's consider the Haystack Prayer Meeting. This is actually new to me. I have studied Church History for a couple years now, but up until I studied my Missiology course, I had never heard of this. Wow, the story of these young men who took another great radicals thoughts (William Carey- Father of Modern Missions) and considered them and prayed for them. These students had a divine moment in which they had to consider whether they were going to back or or give their all. These ordinary students birthed what we call "Foreign Missions" today. We all support that, right? Well, guess what, as widely received and welcomed as missions are today, they weren't always. The book," An Inquiry into the Obligation of Christians to Use Means for the Conversion of the Heathen", was very controversial, yet this led to what we have today. Wow, radical!

"Let me tell you why you are here. You're here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You've lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage (Matthew 5:13) THE MESSAGE BIBLE."

We cannot end a radical essay without the mention of people like John Wesley who led the Methodist Revival and now what we understand as Evangelical. Or William Booth who created the Salvation Army. Or how about the Azuza Street Revival. All these movements and moments were considered different at that time, but today they are what lead the Church. Have we lost the Spirit of revival?

Allow me to conclude with this honest admission. Church History classes were so boring, even reading the text, I couldn't wait to finish the reading for the night. But, so many times I would come across some of these men that I have mentioned herein, and would get excited, even to the point of "googling" more information. The men of Church History who were ostracized and criticized, persecuted and condemned, are actually men who have led the Church, the bride of Christ, to be what we are today. Have we lost the passion, the zeal, and the life that will make the mission, the Great Commission, complete?

"We have sunk into such a compromising way of dealing with the unconverted as to well nigh lost the spirit of the primitive preachers, and hence it is that sinners of every description can sit quietly as they do, year after year, in our places of worship".- Andrew Fuller

Since, I claim to be a "Jesus Freak", let us remember and prayerfully consider the "Jesus Freak Movement" of the 1960s and early 1970s. This was a mix of the hippie culture and Protestantism. Now, I am now not a hippie, but wow, God is so good, a Jesus Freak is someone who displays Christ in the way God created them. A hippie, a thug, a rock star, a quite mouse type, a goth, a anarchist, a pretty lady,

Written by Michael Miano

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