"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, "We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." (Isaiah 4:1)
Greetings in Christ. Ok, so this topic is quite controversial (I Love it!!). Brother Paul Curran and I have discussed the prophetic verse quoted above and come to sort of different conclusions, or maybe just ways to go about it.
Last week I was speaking to a friend, and we were discussing relationships of men and women. This friend of mine said the same thing many women I have spoken to say, and that is basically that men who are the men women need them to be are a dying breed. I am always quick to point out the difference between a man and a boy. Actually, I know remember a good sermon delivered by Paul Washer concerning being a man, (I will include the link to that sermon below).
Ok, so back on track. So this conversation led me to say, as I always "unthinkingly" say, "Yeah we are working on building up real men" (through the Ministry that is). Then I thought of Isaiah 4:1.
Now, brother Paul takes the stance that this shows that there will be few "real men" in the coming times of the end (which we are already in and we do see this as truth). I agree with that wholeheartedly. But, brother Pauls stance in on Polygamy, which basically says that this verse shows that God will want man to take care of many women, or better yet it will be needed.
I got to thinking, what if that verse is taken as a command to build up better men, somewhat of a warning. I mean, lets be serious. We can all see the lack of true men in our culture.
But women, you aren't going to get off that easy. Whats your part in all of this? I can name a few. But I would rather focus on solution.
So, me and my thinking mind, came up with a survey which I asked 4 people (2 guys/2girls) for their answers to some basic questions. The one questions that applies here is:
"Are you satisfied with the culture of man/woman? Why or why not?".
The results where very interesting.
Girl 1- No, guys don't respect women.
Guy 1- No, Women don't respect themselves.
Girl 2- No, guys lie to get their way. But there are some who are true.
Guy 2-
Do you see the pattern? So the conclusion I have drawn is this. Its twofold. If men would respect women more, it would lead to women respecting themselves more. And, if women would respect themselves more, then men would respect them more.
My disclaimer is this though. Calling Men! We are the "leaders or seed-planters" of the culture. It is our responsibility to "dress and keep the garden". So lets work together, to build up strong men of the Lord, who can help our women be the daughters of the King they are supposed to be.
I hope this was edifying.
God bless, in Christ,
Pastor Michael Miano
Paul Washer preaching on Biblical Manhood
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