Friday, January 29, 2010

Ramblings of a Jesus Freak

The past couple weeks, actually I could even say the beginning of the New Year has been awesome, and AWE in every sense of the word.
Have had plenty of study opportunities, especially with the start of the new group I started called ACTing Out ACTS! Also, have had plenty of speaking engagements which have been both a blessing and trying.
So, the latest message that has been on my mind came from the Acting Out: ACTS study, we read through ACTS 1 and 2. Acts chapter one has always had a serious yet humorous tone to me, since we see the disciples at their lowest point after the crucifixion of Christ, (they are confused and seemingly defeated), then at the greatest point, (in which breeds a different form of confusion).
Acts 1 speaks about the proofs we have of the resurrection and the power we have received as witnesses to proclaim the gospel. But, what is the next action- stupefied! The apostles are depicted as being in so much awe of the ascension that they stand staring into the sky. HELLO! We have proof and power, GO!
Such a message for us in these times as well!
I have just read through Shane Claiborne’s book, The Irresistible Revolution for the 2nd time. Yes, the book is that good. I want to share some thoughts…
We seriously need to “experiment with the gospel”, that is what Shane and his community are trying to do. All of this is in an effort to “question the sanity of the consumer culture, the distorted priorities of the global economy, and the methodology of the welfare state…” It is long over due that we begin “rediscovering the Biblical reversal of our social logic”.
I love how Shane compared the “unbelieving activists” and the “inactive believers”. Oh, how these two disturb me and get me fired up! On one end the unbelieving activist needs to see salvation as saving our souls from sin and that salvation does not end with us, but in turn the inactive believer needs to see that we also need to see salvation as saving the world from this even system and that salvation does begin with us doing something!
“…another world is possible”. Isn’t that the rally call of the gospel? I see the problem as does Shane, that we sit at the foot of the cross, cry, worship, and lay our lives down, but never pick the cross up and follow Christ. Without mission, this doesn’t make much sense. Hypocrisy and millions of other “church issues” come from lacking mission, it simply gets boring!!!
The Word of God must not become stale in our minds and hearts. The minute that the Word is not pushing you to a reckless faith, you need to question your “Christian scholarship”. ..Ha ha shout to to Soren Kieregard.
How about Church by this definition? “A people on the margins giving birth to another way of living, a new community marked by interdependence and sacrificial love”. Yeah, that leaves me speechless too!
Galatians 2:20 becomes to hold a new meaning when we truly understand that seeing Christ through us is important to the lost. As Shane references many times the term “Namaste”, which means “I see God in you”. We need to “spend our lives for others”, or even as the book of Isaiah says “pour out our lives unto death”.
Here is my plea from my heart utilizing the words from Shane’s book:
“The doors of normalcy and conformity are dead. The time has come to give up on the doors and find a window to climb through. It’s a little more dangerous and may get you into some trouble, but it’s a heck of a lot more fun. And the people who have changed the world have always been the risk-takers who climb through windows while the rest of the world just walks in and out of doors…”
“We need converts in the best sense of the word, people who are marked by the renewing of their minds and imaginations, who no longer conform to the pattern that is destroying our world. Otherwise, we have only believers, and believers are a dime a dozen now a days. What the world needs is people who believe so much in another world that they cannot help but begin enacting it now”
That’s it, honestly, I can sit and quote the whole book to you, yeah once again, its that good! Let the MUSTARD SEED REVOLUTION begin!!! Note- really read about the significance of the mustard seed, one word, Wow!
So in conclusion, as I said in a message I spoke last night. We need to start being risk takers for the Kingdom of God. We need to storm the gates of hell and save the lost and redeem the world all through and for Christ Jesus. As a new wise friend said to me last night, “we need to set up our tents next to hell, and save souls from the fire”. AMEN
Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolution

Ok, well it’s the 4th, so therefore it is officially 2010. The weekend is over and now its back to the normal life for 2010. I did some research on New Year’s resolutions and it has been said that 40-45% of Americans make resolutions. If you make a resolution you are more than 10 times more likely to accomplish your goals, than those who fail to make resolutions. Gabriella and I both made signs to put on the wall that list our resolutions (great idea right, ok fine it was her idea!!)
This resolution is my vow to God! In accordance with Psalm 61:8 “Then will I ever sing praise to Your Name and fulfill my vows day after day”.
In 2010 I vow to:
Pursue Righteousness (refer to Matthew 5 and Psalms 119)
Simplify my life
Become a prayer warrior and step my prayer game up (January through March- prayer endeavor, pray the divine hours throughout the year, pray that Psalms, and have more intimate time with the Father)
Love life with Gabriella (live it, love it, and express it)
Live with missional courage and imagination (Acting Out-ACTS, 1st Century Apostle attitude, newsworthy “epic” life, daily ask what God would have me to do)
More relational (spend time with friends actually hanging out rather than meetings and such)
Do P90X with Gabriella (yeah, ask her about that one!!)
Accomplish more Bucket List ideas

These are my vows before you (the reader) and God, in the name of Christ Jesus.
X.) Michael Miano

Also, will be going out today with the endeavor of using the resolution concept to get others to make resolutions and hear the gospel! Pray for Christ to blast His awesome power through 2010!

Also, checkout the latest on Acting Out- ACTS

Sunday, January 3, 2010

End of 2009 Re-cap

The year 2009, started with plans to start Freaked-Out Fellowship as a ministry endeavor. As I was still working through ideas with the Tribe of Dan Ministry. Looking back at notes from March, my main concern was the strategy and over all idea of the Tribe of Dan. I was beginning to feel as if we were too busy trying to create or build a ministry, when our calling is to DO ministry.
Also, another common theme I see dating back to March 2009, was the search and enhancing of my calling in the Kingdom of God. I had written “Goal- To help people find themselves and express it”. A great impacting throughout those times was the podcasts from Elevation Church.
A Spirit-filled message I received through prayer in April 2009, was “Be prepared for when the blessings come, the vision manifests, because much will be required”. That was an answer to my concerns about my calling, personal ministry work, and even the overall vision. I know the Lord is still at work in me in an effort to build Godly character.
By the end of April 2009, I began to put serious thought into the planning of Freaked-Out Fellowship, and was using Pastor Matt Keller’s book, Up The Middle Church, as a reference guide. A great mentor into my Christian walk was Pastor Alex from First Assembly of God, Fort Myers. He provided so much counseling and discussion time to push me further as a man of God. (I just realized he introduced me to the ministry of Francis Chan, but yet I read Crazy Love before he did, how ironic, ha ha ha).
In May, I had a meeting with pastor Matt Keller from Next Level Church, concerning the start up of Freaked-Out Fellowship. He offered advice into seeking my calling and also gave me the push to start up FOF. Also, Mark Batterson podcast’s were a valuable resource!
In June, I decided to embark on a book of Acts commentary idea. I have to sideline many other Spirit-filled leaders who promise that if you read through the book of Acts as a follower of Christ, you will be renewed, strengthened, and challenged!! I still talk about that journey today, and have my notes listed on the Freaked-Out Fellowship webpage (
June 22,2009 I gave my own definition to the term “Jesus Freak”- “let all that is in me out for the glory of God”! woohoo! Glory to God in the highest! Much respect and admiration for DC TALK and Voice of the Martyrs for the music and books. Also, in June thanks to the podcasts by Mark Batterson, I developed my “bucket list”. Still at work, slow and steady. Some things I have fulfilled since making it would be:
Open-Air preaching, Creating a street evangelism team, buy something for a complete stranger, become the guy who will talk to anyone, read through the message Bible (New Testament), eat a meal with the homeless, go to church dressed like a prophet, find and thank a teacher for all that they did for me, try Ezekiel Bread, Preach door to door…To be continued.
As far as those goals I could see myself doing this year:
Visit a monastery, have children (ha ha ha just playing Gabriella, not yet..), preach in prison, pray daily times of prayer, go on a cruise with Gabriella, go to the Holy Land Experience, do a 40 day fast, help and witness Gabriella with a bucket list, witness a NT miracle, attend a leadership conference, take Gabriella on an awesome adventure, raise $ for a charity, run/walk a marathon for a cause, visit a new monastic environment. WISH ME LUCK!!!
My personal mission statement developed as “Creating ( or building up) Jesus Freaks”.
Around the middle of the year, I began to meet with an awesome group of guys to study through the Truth Project. We developed relationships and had conversations that will impact eternity! (Shout out to Rob, Paul, Mark, and Cha, we can include Joe as well!)
Gabriella and I, had an awesome year. We experienced a lot of growth, through times of blessing and times of trial. Many people have posed the concept of marriage to us, and that alone has provided area for growth. We continue on as a happy couple, going through the life in LOVE.
When I first came to Christ, I experienced a lot of dreams. I still have a small journal that I had kept record. As I venture through this years thoughts and notes, I realize I haven’t had too many dream occurrences. October 7, 2009, I left a note concerning a series of dreams I had in response to a prayer of God making clear what I should be doing. 1st dream- Proclaim was the word of the day and I defined it. 2nd dream- I was a witness in a courtroom trial. 3rd dream- woke up and started to get ready 3 hours before I had to, couldn’t stop thinking about urgency. PROCLAIM, WITNESS, URGENCY!
Looking through notes of October and November, I see a common theme. Basically, a discontentment with the state of the Church, and our lack of true follower-ship. A study into New Monasticism as well as re-occurring thoughts into the life of the Apostles had caused this. Noticing that we, as the body of Christ, have compromised the mission and the gospel. Thinking through ideas of the persecuted church also had impacted this.
Late November and heading into December, up until now, has been a journey into defining discipleship. I am currently working on some ideas for re-creating discipleship in the lives of believers and non-believers. Acting Out- ACTS!
Look forward to New Year resolutions!

Great books I read in 09’:
The Renegades Guide to God by David Foster
The Unexpected Adventure by Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg
The Gospel According to Starbucks
Holy Ambition by Chip Ingram
The Soul Winner by Charles Spurgeon
Primal by Mark Batterson
And finishing off the year with, The Year of Living Like Jesus by Ed Dobson.