Friday, October 23, 2009

RE-defining "Church"! (Me and Shane Claiborne)

Well, its been a while…
I recently read what I might consider my best, though provoking read yet, The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne.
I had heard so much about the book, and searched through bookstores until I found it. What pushed me over the edge to HAVE TO READ was the story of Brandt Russo

So, I wanted to rehash some of the stuff in the book that provoked me to thought..
“Don’t let the world steal your soul. Being a Christian is about choosing Jesus and deciding to do something incredibly daring with your life”.
Wow- where did this attitude go? That’s so the lives of the apostles, their lives were WRECKED!
One might ask, what is the “irresistible revolution”?
“There is a movement bubbling up that goes beyond cynicism and celebrates a new way of living, a generation that stops complaining about the church it sees and becomes the church it dreams of. And this little revolution is irresistible”. -I so needed to read that. I myself am not satisfied with what we call Church today, but at the same time, we know Christ Jesus loved the Church, died for the Church. I am so done with complaining and hearing people complain, its about time to BE THE CHURCH!
The motto of Freaked-Out Fellowship is “Turning the world upside-down”, so you know I loved it when Shane spoke about really taking in what Jesus said as if He meant it, and this could “turn the world upside-down”.
That’s the key- taking Christ Jesus at His Word and following Him!Basically to try and sum up some of the stuff I underlined…..,
Shane decided to truly live up to this “Irresistible Revolution”. He slept on streets with homeless people, lived with mother Teresa in a Leper Colony in Calcutta (Yes, you read that right!!!). Came home and lived and lives our authentic Christianity…
Oh man, I am so convicted!
A common problem I have is that I always do these deep searches of myself and ask God in prayer-”Where am I called?”..Shane makes it clear- “…rather than waiting around for God’s special plan for your life, you should just go find where God is already at work and join in”.
Totemism- making God in our own image!
“God created us in His image, and we decided to return the favor”- George Bernard Shaw
Shane’s book has given me such as desire to go back and study Church History (AGAIN). Take a good look at the book of Acts (something I love and urge all to study), also the sociology of the 1st Century Church. As well, as Monastics and other interesting stuff, that could so set us on fire today. A FIRE SO DESPERATELY NEEDED!
I truly hate economics and talk of such. I hate math, numbers, and our materialistic culture…So do!!! The way Shane talked about economics was so intriguing. He convicted me on some of my ways, and how selling everything isn’t going to create community, all that happens as community is formed. The way he explained “radical interdependence” was well put and answered my question on how a ministry should be supported!.
“Until we have the sort of imagination Jesus had to upstage hoarding and to celebrate a dream more liberating than the American dream, nothing will change. Until we have the courage to risk and scheme ways of redistribution with the same passion and fervor with which people scramble after wealth, the market will overpower God’s vision of JUBILEE. (oh yeah, that’s an entire story in and of itself)
Fear of God- It’s not about fearing hell, because we have been told that “the gates of hell with not prevail against the church”. But rather, the fear that we have no idea what following Jesus Christ will lead us to next. Or better said “I have no idea what in the world God’s going to dare me to do next”.
“Christians should be troublemakers, creators of uncertainty, agents of a dimension incompatible with society”- Jacques Ellul - JESUS FREAKS STAND UP!!!
Awesome coined term- “Theological Pranksters” (more to come on that…)
“…..we need more fools, holy fools who insist that the folly of the cross is wiser than any human power. And the world may call us crazy”.
How so? - “alternatives to existing world structures, of bartering communities, of money collectives for emergencies (instead of insurance), of prophetic interruptions to war and theft, of sustainable urban gardening and eco-energy alternatives, of using trash and wreckage of the consumptive world to create things that bring life and beauty”.

OK, so I apologize not much of an editorial blogger. Ha ha! That was basically my thoughts as I sat here fanning though the book. I would STRONGLY urge you to read the book, maybe a chapter after your Biblical devotions?
The book has sparked so many ideas in me…basically what Shane talked about in the book as “prophetic imagination" (which I will be blogging about soon!).

Really are you satisfied with the state of Christ’s bride? How about the state of the world? Let’s get to work!!!
Love you all, in Christ,
Pastor Michael Miano
Check out The Simple Way website: (Shane Claiborne’s “church”)

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